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Seis reporteros gráficos conversan con EL PAÍS sobre las imágenes que marcaron sus carreras entre 1973 y 1990
The non-disclosure of the names of the six parliamentarians who are being investigated by the Integrity Commission (IC) for illicit enrichment could have a chilling effect on information sharing.
Al Jazeera speaks to families who may not get justice after the UK adopts bill shutting down the Troubles inquests.
The 39-page report, “‘If We Raise Our Voice They Arrest Us’: Sri Lanka’s Proposed Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” documents abusive security force surveillance and intimidation of activists and campaigners from minority Tamil families of those who “disappeared” during Sri Lanka’s civil war. The authorities are using draconian counterterrorism laws to silence dissenting voices, including those calling for truth and accountability, while government-backed land grabs target Tamil and Muslim communities and their places of worship.
Un juzgado de Washington analiza si la tecnológica abusó de su posición de dominio en las búsquedas por internet
A half-century on, the country struggles with revisionism and denial as survivors continue their quest for justice.
Résultats d’une étude récente portant sur le grand débat national et les limites des consultations citoyennes en termes de représentativité.
Suggestion comes after the competence of several legislators – both Democrat and Republican – has come into question
Human rights defender Noof Al-Madeed disappeared after releasing a series of videos in March providing evidence of violations of her civil and human rights by the Qatari State security apparatus.
What is more worrying is the fact that much of the so-called 'offending' content is mere reports and opinion pieces deemed critical of the government.
Man is known to have had unescorted access to large parts of the Westminster estate.
A major retrospective of Coco Chanel has unearthed evidence that the fashion designer was a documented member of the French resistance. The previously unseen documents will go on display, along with contradictory evidence that she operated as a Nazi agent.
Terrible conditions at Western Australia’s missions led to devastating loss and trauma. Calls are growing to investigate hundreds of graves and burial sites
Vice’s coverage on Saudi Arabia changed after investment deals with the repressive kingdom. A deleted documentary is not completely gone. However it can be seen thanks to the videoplayback link displayed in the article.
Responding to the news that Saudi Arabia has already executed 100 people this year, Heba Morayef, Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Director, said: “In clear contrast to Saudi Arabia’s repeated promises to limit its use of the death penalty, the Saudi authorities have already executed 100 people this year, revealing their chilling disregard for the right to life.
En réaction aux informations selon lesquelles l’Arabie saoudite a déjà exécuté 100 personnes cette année, Heba Morayef, directrice du programme Afrique du Nord et Moyen-Orient à Amnesty International, a déclaré : « Offrant un vif contraste avec les promesses répétées de l’Arabie saoudite de limiter son recours à la peine de mort, les autorités ont déjà exécuté 100 personnes cette année, révélant leur profond mépris à l’égard du droit à la vie.
En respuesta a la noticia de que Arabia Saudí ya ha ejecutado a 100 personas en lo que va de año, Heba Morayef, directora de Amnistía Internacional para Oriente Medio y el Norte de África, ha declarado: “En un claro contraste con las reiteradas promesas de Arabia Saudí de limitar su uso de la pena de muerte, las autoridades saudíes ya han ejecutado a 100 personas este año, lo que revela su escalofriante desprecio por el derecho a la vida.
Prosecutors say an employee of Germany’s foreign intelligence service and an acquaintance have been charged with treason for allegedly passing secret documents to Russia.
La mairie du sixième arrondissement de Yaoundé a été partiellement détruite par les flammes.
La Suprema Corte de Justicia de México dictaminó esta semana que el Congreso debe eliminar el aborto del código penal federal, lo que significa que todas las instituciones federales de salud tienen la obligación de proporcionar servicios de aborto en todo México - una gran victoria para los derechos humanos.
Resource type
- Audio Recording (2)
- Blog Post (4)
- Book (1)
- Newspaper Article (96)
- Video Recording (4)
Publication year
Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2020 and 2025
- 2023 (107)
Between 2020 and 2025
Online resource
- yes (107)