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Responding to yesterday’s High Court acquittal of opposition leader, Jacob Ngarivhume, who was sentenced in April to 48 months imprisonment for leading protests against government corruption, Khanyo Farisè, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for Southern Africa, said: “His imprisonment is a travesty, and an affront to Zimbabwe’s constitution and the country’s international human rights obligations. No […]
Haxhi Shala was arrested yesterday, 11 December 2023, in Kosovo by the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office, pursuant to an arrest warrant, transfer order and a confirmed indictment issued by a Pre-trial Judge of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers.
The strategy explicitly delineates processes related to data collection, management, visualization, analysis, and dissemination among the various actors involved as well as the frequency. This strategic approach to IM is geared to provide ongoing IM support to current and future Humanitarian Response Plans.
Les avocats des Rwandais Séraphin Twahirwa et Pierre Basabosé, accusés d'avoir participé au génocide de 1994, présentent leurs lignes de défense en Belgique.
The term "coloured" is a slur in the US, but for millions of South Africans it is part of their identity. Apartheid was a political system with a racial hierarchy and the Population Registration Act of 1950 required people to be registered into one of four racial categories - white, black, Indian or coloured.
Many archives have been destroyed in Ukraine since the Russian invasion. Is Vladimir Putin trying to erase Ukraine's cultural memory?
Thousands of Kenyans were held in detention camps, and the British imperialist government tried to cover up brutal violations that occurred there.
Colonialists daily reinforced a hierarchy that allowed white people to abuse Africans.
The study focuses on a universal basic income and spans 12 years and thousands of people in Kenya. How did the money change lives? What's better: monthly payouts or a lump sum.
Recently declassified notes reveal for the first time the entire scope of the role an agent in Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet's secret police played in multiple assassinations and in a fatal 1976 Washington car bombing that shocked Americans.
La libération de l'ancien dirigeant autoritaire a déclenché un tollé dans le pays andin. Il purgeait une peine de 25 ans pour avoir dirigé des escadrons de la mort contre des personnes supposées subversives.
Lors de leur procès en Belgique pour génocide, deux hommes sont présentés par la procureure comme étant à l'origine d'un groupe Interahamwe meurtrier à Kigali, en 1994.
Le directeur de Radio Coton Ansongo, Saleck Ag Jiddou, et un animateur de la même station, Moustapha Koné, ont été « enlevés » le 7 novembre par « un groupe armé non identifié ».
The release from prison of the former authoritarian leader has triggered uproar in the Andean country. He had been serving a 25-year sentence for directing death squads against supposed subversives.
Burundi’s 2016 law against gender-based violence was a milestone achievement, bringing improved protection. However, it falls short of regional and international best practice, and in some instances undermines rather reinforces the fight against gender-based violence. This briefing proposes how to strengthen protections, including through revisions of the law.
La Loi relative aux violences basées sur le genre adoptée au Burundi en 2016 a constitué une avancée majeure. Cependant, le texte de loi est encore en-deça des meilleures pratiques aux niveaux régional et international, et dans certains cas affaiblit plus qu’il ne renforce la lutte contre la violence liée au genre. Cette synthèse contient des propositions pour assurer une meilleure protection, y compris en modifiant la loi.
Un rapport fait la démonstration que les forces de sécurité iraniennes ont recouru au viol et à d’autres formes de violences sexuelles afin d’intimider et de punir des manifestant·e·s.
A report demonstrates that security forces in Iran used rape and other forms of sexual violence, amounting to torture and other ill-treatment, to intimidate and punish peaceful protesters during the 2022 “Woman Life Freedom” uprising.
Mia Mottley, Barbados PM, said during a visit in the UK that Barbados was owed $4.9tn (£3.9tn) by slave-owning nations, noting that conversations over how this debt should be repaid would “be difficult and will take time”
À l’occasion du dixième anniversaire de la disparition de Nelson Mandela, RFI a interrogé le journaliste sud-africain Max Du Preez. Il est l’un de meilleurs connaisseurs de l’histoire contemporaine de l’Afrique du Sud et de son évolution sous les gouvernements post-apartheid.
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