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Des nations qui ont déjà les pieds dans l’eau s'engagent pour la justice climatique devant la Cour internationale de justice (CIJ). Pourquoi ?
La commissaire fédérale à l'information du Canada dit qu'elle continuera de faire pression sur les libéraux.
No se sabe quién está detrás de “Archivos del Terror en Uruguay” ni cómo consiguió los documentos del archivo Berrutti.
Lauren Davila made a stunning discovery as a graduate student at the College of Charleston: an ad for a slave auction larger than any historian had yet identified. The find yields a new understanding of the enormous harm of such a transaction.
Daniel Ellsberg, the U.S. military analyst whose change of heart on the Vietnam War led him to leak the classified "Pentagon Papers," revealing U.S. government deception about the war and setting off a major freedom-of-the-press battle, died on Friday at the age of 92, his family said in a statement.
Su filtración de documentos del Pentágono en 1971 reveló mentiras sobre la guerra de Vietnam y llevó a que se le considerara "el hombre más peligroso de EE.UU.".
L’interlocutrice spéciale indépendante sur les tombes anonymes estime qu’il est « urgent » d’envisager des mécanismes juridiques pour permettre au Canada de lutter contre le négationnisme entourant l’existence des pensionnats fédéraux pour enfants autochtones.
Indigenous men who were among search teams hoping to find four children aboard a plane that crashed in the Amazon jungle in Colombia say one of their most sacred rituals played a role in rescue efforts.
A legal complaint filed in Argentina accuses Venezuelan security forces of crimes against humanity against government opponents since 2014.
Almost nine out of 10 people hold “fundamental biases” against women, a new UN report has found, decrying a “decade of stagnation” that has led to a dismantling of women’s rights in many parts of the world.
Despite the Saudi authorities’ commitment to end their use of the death penalty against children under 18 at the time of the crime, seven young men are at risk of imminent execution after an appeals court confirmed their punishment, Amnesty International said today. Their execution would mark a chilling escalation of the already record-breaking use of the death penalty with the number of executions in the country having increased seven-fold in the past three years alone. “Saudi authorities...
Le manque de données et d'informations fiables sur l'ampleur de la violence sexiste à l'égard des personnes âgées est un obstacle majeur à la lutte efficace contre cette violation flagrante des droits de l'homme dans toutes les sociétés, a déclaré un groupe d'experts des droits de l'homme de l'ONU.
Juneteenth marks the day in 1865 when enslaved men and women in Texas found out they were free. But liberation didn't arrive in one day.
Inuit pride parades became a new tradition since 2021 and LGBTQ+ people say it's made a huge improvement in feeling accepted.
Jamais le nombre total de réfugiés fuyant leur pays ou de personnes déplacées à l’intérieur du leur pays n’avait atteint un tel niveau, a souligné le Haut-Commissariat pour les réfugiés de l’ONU, dans son rapport annuel.
Anahera Morehu has been appointed chief archivist at Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga Archives New Zealand. Morehu is the country’s first Māori and wāhine Māori to hold this statutory role in a permanent capacity. She is currently the acting chief archivist, seconded into the role in November 2022. Her substantive position was kaihautū for Archives NZ.
For the second year in a row, Cambodia failed to meet the “minimum standards” for combating human trafficking and was “not making significant efforts to do so,” the US government reported on Thursday.
Remains of 95 ancestors, including six toi moko or tattooed heads, brought home in a move Māori leaders described as ‘healing’.
France on Tuesday said it had uncovered a major Russian disinformation campaign, with false news items hostile to Ukraine made to look like they were published by prominent French news media.
L’Université Laval met à jour le lexique de son catalogue pour être plus respectueuse des peuples autochtones.
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