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Le gouvernement chinois devrait reconnaître et condamner le racisme anti-Noirs qui prévaut sur l’Internet chinois et adopter des mesures pour promouvoir la tolérance et lutter contre les préjugés.
El Gobierno chino debería reconocer y condenar el racismo contra los negros que prevalece en Internet y adoptar medidas para promover la tolerancia y la lucha contra los prejuicios.
“Imprisonment and forced labour, here and for Indigenous people in the Pacific Islands, were a deliberate means of breaking property and traditional work practice into the mould of capital.” — Rob Campbell reviews 'Blood and Dirt'.
Artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer’s Atmospheric Memory allows visitors to interact with generative tech – and become part of the show in unexpected ways
Mütter Museum in Philadelphia at centre of ethics dispute over provenance of its collection of skulls, fetuses and body parts
Can or should countries legislate disinformation? Australia just might try.
If you thought social media had a hand in getting Trump elected, watch what happens when you throw AI into the mix
Cultural appropriation is a sensitive topic, prone to endless misinterpretations, because it touches the heart of who we are: a mixture of cultures difficult to unravel. Questioning “the cultural” in Bolivia provokes resistance, due to its strong intimate and identity component and, above all, because we do not know the histories of the cultures that surround us.
Historian Dr Alison Rose Jefferson has collected archival photos from the Jim Crow era that bring to life the stories of African Americans who settled by the beach, creating popular gathering places that challenged white supremacy.
As technology unlocks the doors to our minds, scientists urge for human rights protection. Imagine being able to watch your long-lost childhood memories on a screen or suppress a traumatic experience.
Coups, civil wars, dictators, democracy … all the headlines that tell the country’s story since independence in 1960 are to be saved for posterity by an ambitious archive project
Dissident republicans claim to possess some of the information from the Police Service of Northern Ireland’s “industrial-scale” data breach, the chief constable says.
Media spend time and money fighting lack of access, publication bans, secret trials.
Las y los familiares y organizaciones por los derechos humanos, Londres 38, espacio de memorias; la Agrupación de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos (AFDD); y la Agrupación de Familiares de Ejecutados Políticos (AFEP); entregaron pasadas las once de la mañana de este viernes 4 de agosto, una carta dirigida al Pleno de la Corte Suprema, con el objetivo de interpelar al Poder Judicial en su rol durante estos 50 años, manifestar su preocupación por el estado de las causas por violaciones a...
The iconography of June 29 protest, organized by Macedonian Orthodox Church and right-wing political parties, included religious and nationalist symbols, Russian flags and participation by pro-Kremlin politicians and associations.
Le gouvernement chinois doit fournir des informations sur neuf défenseurs des droits humains tibétains qui purgent des peines de prison allant jusqu’à 11 ans, ont indiqué jeudi des experts indépendants des Nations Unies.
Expertos en derechos humanos de la ONU* declararon este jueves que el gobierno chino debe proporcionar información sobre nueve defensores tibetanos de los derechos humanos medioambientales que cumplen penas de prisión de hasta 11 años.
UN-appointed independent rights experts have called on the Chinese Government to provide information about nine Tibetan human rights defenders serving prisoner sentences of up to 11 years.
The national coalition aims to address critical issues surrounding freedom of expression, content moderation and dis/misinformation in the digital age
À travers le monde, des peuples autochtones luttent pour se réapproprier des territoires ancestraux dont ils ont été chassés ou sur lesquels ils ont été dépossédés de leurs droits. Certains de ces lieux sont très touristiques, ce qui rend leurs batailles – et parfois leurs victoires – encore plus symboliques. Petit tour d’horizon de lieux emblématiques au cœur du mouvement Land Back.
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