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La relación entre archivos y derechos humanos ha sido intensa desde que se elaborara la Declaración de Derechos del Hombre y del Ciudadano, en 1789. La creación del Registro Civil o de los registros de propiedad junto con otros archivos públicos respondían al reto de hacer posible el ejercicio de aquellos derechos. A ese reto inicial han seguido otros como el de la lucha contra la impunidad de los crímenes contra los derechos humanos, auspiciada por Naciones Unidas. Fue la ocupación de los...
Many people who grew up in care have gaps in their childhood memories and unanswered questions about their early lives. In the absence of family photos and stories they turn to records held by the local authorities and charities that looked after them. Accessing these records is a practically and emotionally challenging process. Response times are often long and the records received are redacted because they include confidential information about “third parties’” who are often family and...
Over the years, internationally-minded archivists have had to consider the possibility of taking custody of archives from another country because the archives are at risk in their country of origin. The risks may take many forms, but archives in war-zones and other disaster areas, and archives at environmental risk (including risks of climate change) provide striking examples. The removal of archives from one country to another is always likely to be controversial, however, and even...
In 1994, the European Monetary Institute (EMI) was established. Based first in Basel (Switzerland), and subsequently in Frankfurt am Main (Germany), the newly created institute was one of the most structurally significant outcomes of the 1992 Treaty of Maastricht and was intended to shepherd the creation of a new currency for the European Union - the Euro banknotes and coins - as well as to prepare for the establishment of the future European Central Bank (ECB). Unlike many other new...
Can genuine archival documents be used to manipulate our knowledge of the past? Of course, only three steps suffice: restrict historians' access to archives, select sources according to a desired premise and make sure your message reaches a wide audience, especially non-historians.
For several decades, Japan kept in place significant self-imposed constraints on its security policy even as its economy grew tremendously. While it has been argued that Japan refrained from enacting security policy change because of strong domestic pacifist or anti-militarist sentiments, recently, radical policy changes have nonetheless taken place. How can these changes be understood? The existing explanations typically see them as a response to objectively existing or constructed external...
This article analyses the journey of the so-called Izieu telegram–atelegram sent by Nazi perpetrator Klaus Barbie to report the raidof a Jewish children’s home in France to his superiors–from itscreation to its use in multiple transitional justice mechanisms,including an international military tribunal, domestic trials inFrance, and various memorialisation projects. In doing so weapply the concepts of activation and the records continuumapproach, both borrowed from archival studies...
In family settings stories, photographs and memory objects support narratives of identity and belonging. Such resources are often missing for people who were in care as children. As a result, they may be unable to fill gaps in their memories or answer simple questions about their early lives. In these circumstances, they turn to the records created about them by social workers and care providers to reconstruct personal histories. Research suggests that thousands of requests to view records...
In 2019, there were over 75,000 children and young people in out-of-home care in England and Wales. Recent estimates suggest that up to half a million British people were in state or voluntary care as children, around 1% of the adult population. While individual experiences vary enormously by time and place, care-experienced people share in common the intensive documentation of their lives by social workers, educators, health professionals and associated practitioners. A complex, fragmented...
La movilización de todos los recursos durante la Guerra Civil Española alcanzó también el ámbito de la Cultura y la Gestión del Patrimonio. Si bien son más conocidas iniciativas relacionadas con el Museo del Prado o la Biblioteca Nacional, desde el principio se tuvo en cuenta la creación de un Archivo de la Guerra, donde se reunirían todos los testimonios escritos de todas aquellas unidades militares o asociaciones políticas que lucharon en defensa de la República. Este archivo, después de...
El descubrimiento y posterior proceso de recuperación del Archivo Histórico de la Policía Nacional de Guatemala supone una de las mayores experiencias exitosas de mayor alcance en América Latina en el uso de los archivos como instrumentos de apoyo a la defensa de los derechos humanos y a la construcción de los procesos de memoria histórica. pero la situación en la que hoy se encuentran los documentos producidos por la Policía Nacional entre 1881 y 1997 puede definirse claramente como de encrucijada.
- References - Boel et al. (2021), Archives and Human Rights (74)
- References - Comma (2020 1-2), Archives and Human Rights (24)
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