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The federal government has released its action plan on implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
At its meeting on 21 June, the Federal Council approved an agreement to retain a digital backup copy of the archives of the Colombian Truth Commission. Dealing with the past is a key focus area of Switzerland's long-standing peace policy work in Colombia. In safeguarding such sensitive data, Switzerland is supporting the peace process in the long term.
Trinidad and Tobago’s femicide rates are at an all time high, reports the Guardian. “As of May, this year’s death toll was at 280, already overtaking the same period of 2022 – a year which saw 614 violent deaths.” The trend is part of a broader increase in homicides and crime — the Caribbean nation, with a population of about 1.5 million, now has the sixth-highest crime rate in the world.
The Aspen Institute: The mining industry has a long history of failing to respect community interests, breaking agreements, destroying sacred sites, and forcing displacements. Indigenous communities have been ‘disproportionately impacted’.
Ottawa dévoile 181 mesures, portant notamment sur l'autonomie gouvernementale et les traités, qui devraient donner plus de droits aux Autochtones.
Les États-Unis ont imposé mardi, pour la première fois, des sanctions pour des violences sexuelles perpétrées lors de conflits, à l’encontre de deux responsables du Soudan du Sud, ainsi que de deux dirigeants du groupe État islamique (ÉI).
The United States and Indian governments must address the grave human rights issues in both countries during Prime Minister Modi’s meeting with President Biden in Washington DC, said Amnesty International ahead of the state visit this week.
Il est très préoccupant de constater que la situation des réfugié·e·s afghans au Pakistan ne reçoit pas l'attention nécessaire au niveau international.
The situation of Afghan refugees in Pakistan is not receiving due international attention.
Archives can be—and often are—instrumental in the fight against impunity.
Los archivos pueden ser, y a menudo son, fundamentales en la lucha contra la impunidad.
In October 11 2021, the Supreme Court of Norway ruled that Norway violated the rights of the Sámi people by permitting the construction of wind farms in Fovsen Njaarke, the Storheia wind farm and the Roan wind farm.
The Myanmar junta’s increasing obstruction of humanitarian aid in the month since Cyclone Mocha has put thousands of lives at immediate risk and endangered millions of people.
The French government said Tuesday that it would soon shut down an activist climate group over a series of recent demonstrations including one that led to fierce clashes with police over a controversial irrigation project.
On World Refugee Day 2023, the numbers of refugees and displaced people worldwide are higher than ever before. FRANCE 24 takes a look at the key figures.
Andrew Tate and his brother charged in Romania over human trafficking and sexual exploitation.
L’Assemblée nationale a reconnu le Holodomor, la grande famine qui a décimé l’Ukraine au début des années 1930, comme un génocide. Retour sur cette notion et les débats qui l’entourent.
Les États des Amériques doivent se préoccuper de la réduction de l’espace civique dans la région et s’attacher à mettre un terme aux politiques répressives afin de répondre aux revendications sociales de la population du continent, a déclaré Amnesty International dans une lettre ouverte adressée aux chefs d’État participant à la 53e Assemblée générale de l’Organisation des États américains (OEA).
Ahead of the court appearance of Sticks Nkambule, Secretary General of Swaziland Transport Communication and Allied Workers Union, on trumped-up charges of contempt of court stemming from his involvement in organizing a stay away action in December 2022, Vongai Chikwanda, Amnesty International’s Interim Deputy Director for Southern Africa, said: The harassment and intimidation of Sticks Nkambule shows that Eswatini authorities are effectively criminalizing peaceful dissent.
Los Estados de las Américas deben abordar el cierre del espacio cívico en la región y garantizar el fin de políticas represivas para atender las demandas sociales de la población en el continente, dijo Amnistía Internacional hoy en una carta abierta a los y las jefes de Estado que asistirán la 53° Asamblea General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA).
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