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Le dernier rapport de l'indice des normes sociales de genre (GSNI) n'a révélé aucune amélioration des préjugés contre les femmes en une décennie, avec près de 9 hommes et femmes sur 10 dans le monde qui ont encore de tels préjugés aujourd'hui. La moitié des personnes dans le monde pensent toujours que les hommes font de meilleurs dirigeants politiques que les femmes et plus de 40 % pensent que les hommes font de meilleurs dirigeants d'entreprise que les femmes. Selon le nouveau rapport GSNI...
Secret Canada helps Canadians understand and use the access system through a database of completed FOI request summaries, guides on how to navigate the filing process and the latest news.
Written from the perspective of a philosopher and African immigrant, this book makes a forceful moral argument for the need for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in the United States to address the long history of injustice to African-Americans. It shows that a TRC—similar to those established in South Africa and Chile—would rescue the ideals embodied in the U.S. Constitution while expanding their promise. Rejecting more recent views of the country’s founding as an embodiment of...
Digital platforms are crucial tools that have trans- formed social, cultural and political interactions everywhere. Across the world, they connect concerned global citizens on issues that matter. Platforms help the United Nations to inform and engage people directly as we strive for peace, dig- nity and equality on a healthy planet. They have given people hope in times of crisis and struggle, amplified voices that were previously unheard and breathed life into global movements.
The latest Gender Social Norms Index (GSNI) report has revealed no improvement in biases against women in a decade, with almost 9 out of 10 men and women worldwide still holding such biases today. Half of people worldwide still believe men make better political leaders than women, and more than 40 percent believe men make better business executives than women. A staggering 25 percent of people believe it is justified for a man to beat his wife, according to the new GSNI report launched by UNDP.
I am pleased to announce the launch of OTPLink, a new application for online and email-based evidence submissions by all external stakeholders and witnesses to my Office. OTPLink will provide a clear, single-access point, replacing various systems and processes that were previously in use for the receipt of information, including submissions pursuant to Article 15 of the Rome Statute.
Un rapport commandé par le président de la République estime que la numérisation des archives patrimoniales conservées en France et à l’étranger doit constituer la base d’une politique de restitution.
Los 220 presos políticos excarcelados el jueves pasado por el régimen de Daniel Ortega celebran la libertad después de años o meses de encierro y tortura, pero muchos dudan de su futuro y tienen miedo a opinar porque temen represalias contra sus familias en Nicaragua. La mitad no tienen parientes o amigos en Estados Unidos y se preguntan cómo reconstruir la vida lejos del lugar y la gente que les importa.
The 222 political prisoners banished by the regime of Daniel Ortega last Thursday are celebrating their freedom after years or months of lockdown and torture, but many doubt their future and stifle their opinions out of fear for their family in Nicaragua. Half of them have no family in the U.S. and are wondering how to rebuild a life far from their country and loved ones.
Today, the Mechanism Information Programme for Affected Communities (MIP) was pleased to launch its latest informational product, entitled: Guide for History Teachers: How to Use Archival Material of the ICTY and Mechanism in Teaching the History of the 1990s conflicts (Guide).
The Ministry of Justice received 2,322 applications for the expungement of criminal records last year. Making his contribution to the Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives on Tuesday Portfolio Minister, Delroy Chuck, said of that amount, the Criminal Records (Rehabilitation of Offenders) Board approved 1,200 applications.
Catherine Colonna, ministre de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères et Rima Abdul Malak, ministre de la Culture, ont reçu ce mardi 25 avril 2023 Jean-Luc Martinez, ambassadeur pour la coopération internationale dans le domaine du patrimoine et Président-directeur honoraire du Louvre, qui leur a remis le rapport commandé par le Président de la République afin de préparer les contours d’une loi-cadre sur la restitution à leur pays d’origine de biens culturels appartenant aux collections...
L'Institut du monde arabe a choisi de donner à voir l’élan et l’irréductible vitalité de la création palestinienne, qu’elle s’élabore dans les territoires ou dans l’exil. Approches muséales plurielles, dialogue photographique entre la Terre sainte « inventée » des orientalistes et celle des contemporains, exposition des précieuses archives palestiniennes de Jean Genet… : c’est à un subtil et intense parcours de correspondances visuelles et de sujets que vous invite l’IMA. Visites guidées,...
Grand entretien avec Frédéric Mégret. Un an après le début de l'invasion de l'Ukraine par la Russie, quel bilan peut-on faire des différentes initiatives de justice mises en place ?
El presente libro reúne trabajos de investigadores en humanidades y ciencias sociales atravesados por la cuestión del archivo. Los textos realizan una aproximación contemporánea al problema del archivo y la política, y reflexionan sobre los límites, los alcances y los excesos del archivo como categoría de análisis.
Does democracy die in darkness, as the saying suggests? This book reveals that modern democracy was born in secrecy, despite the widespread conviction that transparency was its very essence. But as revolutionaries sought to fashion representative government, they faced a dilemma. In a context where gaining public trust seemed to demand transparency, was secrecy ever legitimate?
This is an open access book which describes the most important legal principles of data privacy and data protection in China, Germany and the US.
Providing examples of successful approaches to unsettling Western archival paradigms from Canada, the United States, New Zealand, and Australia, this book showcases vital community archival work that will illuminate decolonial archival practices for archivists, curators, heritage practitioners, and others responsible for the stewardship of materials by and about Indigenous communities.
Most of the book's case studies explore archaeological sites in the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East. Some contributions showcase the depth of research on archaeological archives as a representation of past excavations and surveys and the colonial context.
Disney has filed a lawsuit claiming that the oversight government for Walt Disney World, which was taken over by appointees of Gov. Ron DeSantis earlier this year, has failed to release documents and properly preserve records in violation of Florida public records law.
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