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For 40 years, from 1932 to 1972, the United States government conducted a controversial and unethical experiment known as the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. This study targeted a vulnerable population - African American men - and exploited their trust, resulting in tragic consequences.
Data from Reporters Without Borders shows that at least 80 journalists have been murdered in Mexico in the last decade.
Guatemalan authorities should respect the results of elections held on June 25, 2023, Human Rights Watch and the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) said today. Concerned governments, including from Latin America, should urge the government and other authorities to ensure democratic values and respect the will of Guatemalans expressed at the polls.
Las autoridades guatemaltecas deben respetar los resultados de las elecciones celebradas el 25 de junio de 2023,, señalaron hoy Human Rights Watch y la Oficina en Washington para Asuntos Latinoamericanos (WOLA). La comunidad internacional, incluyendo los gobiernos de América Latina, deben instar al gobierno de Guatemala y a otras autoridades a garantizar los valores democráticos y respetar la voluntad de los guatemaltecos expresada en las urnas.
A dossier of bank slips detailing suspect payments of millions of dollars handed to the journalist brought the downfall of a political upstart in Cameroon. But it also led to Zogo’s murder. His colleagues went to investigate why.
Before she was killed by a Russian missile strike, the acclaimed novelist and war crimes researcher wrote about growing up in Moscow’s shadow, and how she came to understand what being Ukrainian really meant
La restitution des objets pillés dans les anciennes colonies d'Afrique est une composante essentielle de la réparation postcoloniale.
Dozens of women and girls have been raped and sexually assaulted by fighters in Sudan as the conflict approaches its third month.
Tunisian security forces have collectively expelled several hundred Black African migrants and asylum seekers, including children and pregnant women, to a remote, militarized buffer zone at the Tunisia-Libya border. The group includes people with both regular and irregular legal status in Tunisia, expelled without due process. Many reported violence by authorities during arrest or expulsion.
Depuis le 2 juillet 2023, les forces de sécurité tunisiennes ont expulsé collectivement plusieurs centaines de migrants et de demandeurs d’asile africains noirs, parmi lesquels enfants et femmes enceintes, vers une zone tampon militarisée à la frontière entre la Tunisie et la Libye, a déclaré Human Rights Watch aujourd’hui. Parmi ces personnes, expulsées sans aucun respect des procédures légales, certaines vivaient en Tunisie en situation régulière, d’autres en situation irrégulière....
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) has decided to declare full compliance with Friendly Settlement Report 10/15, concerning Case 12,756—El Aracatazzo Bar Massacre, Colombia—and will stop monitoring it. This case concerns the international responsibility of the Colombian State for the deaths of 18 people on August 12, 1995, at the bar El Aracatazzo, in the municipality of Chigorodó, in Antioquia. The killings were allegedly perpetrated by members of paramilitary groups, in...
La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) comunica su decisión de declarar el cumplimiento total y el cese del seguimiento del Informe de Homologación No. 10/15, relativo al Caso 12.756, Masacre Estadero El Aracatazzo. El asunto se relaciona con la responsabilidad internacional del Estado colombiano por la muerte de 18 personas en el estadero "El Aracatazzo", municipio de Chigorodó, Antioquia, el 12 de agosto de 1995. La muerte se habría dado en manos de miembros de grupos...
How a tiny island became a global leader in the effort to demand meaningful recompense.
Les pays limitrophes du Soudan doivent immédiatement lever les restrictions d’entrée pour ceux qui fuient le conflit dans le pays et garantir l’accès à la protection et à la sécurité aux plus de 500 000 personnes qui ont déjà fui les combats, a déclaré Amnesty International le 6 juillet 2023.
Between 9 May and 16 June, Amnesty International interviewed 29 civilians faced with the difficult choice of whether to return to the conflict they fled, or remain stranded at the border, where they may wait for an indefinite period without basic supplies to maintain their health, privacy, and dignity.
Los países que hacen frontera con Sudán deben levantar de inmediato las restricciones de entrada para las personas que huyen del conflicto en ese país y garantizar el acceso a protección y seguridad a aproximadamente medio millón de personas que ya han huido del conflicto. Así lo ha manifestado hoy Amnistía Internacional.
France : les racines de la colère. Du malaise des banlieues au “racisme systémique” de la police, de l’origine des violences urbaines à leurs conséquences politiques, les envoyés spéciaux des grands médias étrangers ont multiplié les analyses, témoignages et reportages pour tenter de comprendre les origines de cette colère française. Dans notre dossier cette semaine, nous vous en proposons une sélection représentative. C’est un autre regard, plus distancié, sur ce qui se passe en France, et c’est un regard nécessaire.
This week, Burundian authorities once again displayed their contempt for human rights by walking out of the country’s review before the UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva.
Cette semaine, les autorités burundaises ont une fois de plus affiché leur mépris pour les droits humains en se retirant de l’examen périodique de leur pays devant le Comité des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies à Genève.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to the United States included yoga at the United Nations, an address to the U.S. Congress that promised strides in the bilateral partnership, and a lavish state dinner at the White House with 400 guests. President Joe Biden spoke of the “unlimited potential” of ties between India and the United States.
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- Audio Recording (1)
- Blog Post (1)
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- Newspaper Article (121)
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Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2020 and 2025
- 2023 (126)
Between 2020 and 2025
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- yes (126)