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A report demonstrates that security forces in Iran used rape and other forms of sexual violence, amounting to torture and other ill-treatment, to intimidate and punish peaceful protesters during the 2022 “Woman Life Freedom” uprising.
The People Power Under Attack 2023 report cited an increase in censorship under Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s administration despite his pro-reform pledge.
Mia Mottley, Barbados PM, said during a visit in the UK that Barbados was owed $4.9tn (£3.9tn) by slave-owning nations, noting that conversations over how this debt should be repaid would “be difficult and will take time”
Indigenous Archives in Postcolonial Contexts revisits the definition of a record and extends it to include memory, murals, rock art paintings and other objects.
À l’occasion du dixième anniversaire de la disparition de Nelson Mandela, RFI a interrogé le journaliste sud-africain Max Du Preez. Il est l’un de meilleurs connaisseurs de l’histoire contemporaine de l’Afrique du Sud et de son évolution sous les gouvernements post-apartheid.
Explore the role of open-source information (OSINT) in 21st-century conflicts, its benefits in accountability and justice, and risks such as privacy violations. What are the legal frameworks and challenges in regulating OSINT's use by states and non-state actors in armed conflict settings?
'La liberté d’expression. Pour qui, pour quoi, jusqu’où?' explore les règles de contenu applicables à toute personne qui s’exprime, quels que soient le sujet et le mode de diffusion.
One in every six women experienced violence from their current or former partner, according to the first-ever national survey of domestic violence in 2020.
La resolución fue firmada por tres de los seis integrantes del TC, con el voto del presidente del organismo, Francisco Morales.
La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme fait figure de dernier rempart lorsque les voies de recours nationales ont fait défaut pour reconnaître et réparer une violation alléguée d’un ou plusieurs droits et libertés contenus dans la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme.
La Comisión de Relaciones Humanas del condado de Los Ángeles publicó sus observaciones sobre los delitos de odio reportados en 2022. Desde 1980 se realiza este reporte detallado con datos compilados por numerosas agencias de seguridad, instituciones educativas y organizaciones comunitarias.
Evidence from the European Parliament graft investigation provides a record of more than 300 alleged attempts to manipulate EU democracy.
El juicio por corrupción a Netanyahu se reanudó este lunes luego de una pausa de dos meses tras los ataques de Hamas a Israel el 7 de octubre.
The university’s Peabody Museum exploited loopholes to prevent repatriation to the Wabanaki people while still staying in compliance with NAGPRA. The tribes didn’t give up.
Les pays membres de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) devraient renforcer leur soutien politique, pratique et financier afin que la Cour puisse remplir pleinement son mandat.
Member countries of the International Criminal Court (ICC) should step up their political, practical and financial support so that the court can fully deliver on its mandate.
Entretien avec Klaus Hoffmann, un procureur allemand du Groupe consultatif pour les enquêtes sur les crimes internationaux les plus graves. En Ukraine, il aide le bureau du procureur à enquêter et poursuivre les crimes de guerre.
Across northern Australia, some Aboriginal people have grown up bearing the names of Hollywood stars and fascist dictators. It's a link back to a dark chapter in history.
"The demand for reparations is not an attempt to rewrite history or to continue the cycle of victimization. It's a call to recognize the undeniable truth and rewrite the wrongs ..."
One year on from the "white paper protests", one of the biggest displays of civil disobedience in China since the 1989 Tiananmen massacre, young people are finding creative ways to express political dissent.
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