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Miles de muertos, centenares de secuestrados, millones de desplazados. El conflicto en marcha entre Israel y Hamás ha causado daños enormes y está afectando el acceso a recursos esenciales como el agua.
Miles de muertos, centenares de secuestrados, millones de desplazados. El conflicto en marcha entre Israel y Hamás ha causado daños enormes y está afectando el acceso a recursos esenciales como el agua.
‘Women in Revolt!’ puts feminist art from 1970 – 1990 under the spotlight at Tate Britain - Until 2024-04-07 at Tate Britain, London
Le système de recommandation de TikTok et les pratiques intrusives de collecte de données qui l’accompagnent représentent un danger pour les jeunes utilisateurs et utilisatrices de la plateforme en amplifiant le contenu sur la dépression et le suicide qui risque d’aggraver des problèmes de santé mentale existants
TikTok’s content recommender system and its invasive data collection practices pose a danger to young users of the platform by amplifying depressive and suicidal content that risk worsening existing mental health challenges.
Costa está siendo investigado por la forma como se entregaron contratos para extraer litio y producir hidrógeno verde.
Content about corruption or irregularities in due process is frequently blocked in Turkey. By some estimates, close to half of the blocked news is directly related to Erdoğan, his family, or other government officials.
UN announces plan to tackle phenomenon as survey finds people worry particularly about impact on elections.
A Canadian Senate Committee on Indigenous Peoples may have been shocked two weeks ago when witnesses told them about the difficulties they were having in accessing Catholic Church records for children who attended Indian residential schools.
László Simon dismissed after National Museum allowed children to visit a World Press Photo show.
El presidente de Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, anunció varios cambios en su gabinete, que incluyeron a los responsables del Ministerio del Interior, la Cancillería y el Ministerio de Industria, como respuesta a la crisis política desatada por la entrega de un pasaporte al narcotraficante Sebastián Marset y por el presunto intento de ocultar pruebas de ese trámite, que investiga la Justicia
The head of the national organization for Inuit in Canada is warning the public about what he calls “illegitimate claims to Inuit rights” being advanced by a self-identified Indigenous group in south and central Labrador.
The International Criminal Court is opening an investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity in Israel and Palestine following the October 7 attacks and Israeli military action in Gaza. This may set into motion a process that leads to ICC indictments of Israelis and Palestinians.
In a world increasingly driven by information, the role of ‘data’ and ‘statistics’ is guiding decisions, including on population and sustainable development. In Asia and the Pacific, home to 60 per cent of the global population, data are an important foundation of informed policymaking. But does data drive policy development by shedding light on where disparities exist or where progress is slow? Or does a focus on data drive us to prioritize only those issues that can be measured and quantified?
Equaldex maps where it's safe to travel so you don't have to.
El sistema de recomendación de contenidos de TikTok y sus prácticas invasivas de recolección de datos suponen un peligro para las personas jóvenes que utilizan la plataforma, puesto que amplifica contenidos depresivos y suicidas que podrían empeorar problemas de salud mental preexistentes
Host Brian Stelter joins Naomi Klein to discuss how right-wing podcasters helped create “a parallel reality,” and the challenges of understanding what’s happening on the ground in Israel and Gaza as an information war plays out alongside the carnage.
This partnership will drive the development and deployment of digital public goods for pandemic and epidemic intelligence.
Out Down South: Voices & Portraits of LGBTQ+ Atlanta presents stories of change-making LGBTQ+ Atlantans. The exhibit features the photographs and recorded stories of Atlantans, told in their own words. In Atlanta (Georgia), Exhibition launched in October 2023, at the National Center for Civil and Human Rights
Stored in the Bones, details intangible cultural heritage (ICH) community-based practices, knowledges, and customs with Anishinaabeg and Inninuwag harvesters, showcasing their cultural heritage and providing a new discourse for the promotion and transmission of Indigenous knowledge.
SAHR Newsletters items
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- Newspaper Article (81)
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Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2020 and 2025 (116)
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- English (77)
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- Français (22)
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- yes (116)