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Drawing on the personal experience of a leading international jurist, this book provides insights into the workings of international law and human rights from a global perspective. The work follows the author’s remarkable journey from a simple village in Nepal to becoming an international jurist acclaimed for his innovative academic and influential practical legal work and nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. While much has been written on international human rights law, this inspirational...
Drawing on conceptual debates in transitional justice and critical archival studies, as well as empirical cases from various countries around the world, the contributions in this book critically examine the evidentiary value of archives by linking them to a multitude of transitional justice processes, goals and ideals, including remembrance processes, witnessing, reconciliation, non-recurrence, and various struggles against injustices and prevalent violence.
In Canada, attempts to access records containing information on potential war criminals have been stymied by privacy and national security restrictions. Given the poor record of dealing with Holocaust perpetrators, scholars are now calling for widespread disclosure and declassification of records—comparable with that of the United States—so that Canada can finally address this troubling aspect of its past.
Le 26 janvier, la Cour internationale de Justice (CIJ) a ordonné la prise de mesures conservatoires dans le cadre de l’affaire portée par l’Afrique du Sud sur la base d’allégations qu’Israël est en train de violer la Convention sur le génocide.
Le 26 janvier, la Cour internationale de Justice (CIJ) a ordonné la prise de mesures conservatoires dans le cadre de l’affaire portée par l’Afrique du Sud sur la base d’allégations qu’Israël est en train de violer la Convention sur le génocide.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered provisional measures on January 26, 2024, in South Africa’s case alleging that Israel is violating the Genocide Convention.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered provisional measures on January 26, 2024, in South Africa’s case alleging that Israel is violating the Genocide Convention.
Le 29 décembre 2023, l'Afrique du Sud déposait une requête introductive d’instance contre l’État d’Israël concernant des manquements allégués, dans la bande de Gaza, aux obligations découlant de la convention pour la prévention et la répression du crime de génocide
Le 29 décembre 2023, l'Afrique du Sud déposait une requête introductive d’instance contre l’État d’Israël concernant des manquements allégués, dans la bande de Gaza, aux obligations découlant de la convention pour la prévention et la répression du crime de génocide
29 December 2023, South Africa filed an Application instituting proceedings against Israel concerning alleged violations by Israel of its obligations under the Convention on the “Genocide Convention” in relation to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
29 December 2023, South Africa filed an Application instituting proceedings against Israel concerning alleged violations by Israel of its obligations under the Convention on the “Genocide Convention” in relation to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
Officials didn’t document medical necessity in two cases. Based on that sample, the OIG said it could infer with 95% confidence that between 137 and 217 of 553 major surgical procedures were not properly approved in the timeframe it studied.
La industria petroquímica y de combustibles fósiles en el área de Luisiana conocida como “Corredor del Cáncer” ha devastado la salud, la vida y el medioambiente de quienes residen allí.
L’industrie des combustibles fossiles et de la pétrochimie dans une zone de Louisiane surnommée « Cancer Alley » (« Allée du cancer »), a dévasté la santé, la vie et l’environnement des habitants.
The fossil fuel and petrochemical industry in the Louisiana area that has come to be known as “Cancer Alley” has devastated the health, lives, and environment of residents.
January 26 is 'Australia Day'. It marks the 1788 landing of the First Fleet and raising of the Union Flag of Great Britain on the southern shore of Sydney Harbour. It is also a day the day of remembrance of the start of the violent colonization of Australia. The item describes the shocking genocidal process that started on that day.
Thousands of ancient artefacts have been taken out of the country. These Nepalese citizens are determined to get them back.
Police around the US say they're justified to run DNA-generated 3D models of faces through facial recognition tools to help crack cold cases. Everyone but the cops thinks that’s a bad idea, a privacy breach. Without oversight, law enforcement is now able to mix and match technologies in unintended ways, using untested algorithms to predict what a person could look given genetic attributes found in the DNA sample and single out suspects based on unknowable criteria.
The collection aims to inspire readers with new approaches to implementing and monitoring the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, to make rights ‘real’ in children’s lives.
Le Haut Conseil à l'Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes (HCE) que vient de faire paraître son rapport annuel 2024. 86 % des femmes déclarent « avoir déjà personnellement vécu une situation sexiste ». « C’est aux racines du sexisme qu’il faut s’attaquer », et « de toute urgence », peut-on lire dans le rapport. « Le sexisme commence à la maison, continue à l’école et explose en ligne. »
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