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Les pays membres de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) devraient renforcer leur soutien politique, pratique et financier afin que la Cour puisse remplir pleinement son mandat.
Member countries of the International Criminal Court (ICC) should step up their political, practical and financial support so that the court can fully deliver on its mandate.
Entretien avec Klaus Hoffmann, un procureur allemand du Groupe consultatif pour les enquêtes sur les crimes internationaux les plus graves. En Ukraine, il aide le bureau du procureur à enquêter et poursuivre les crimes de guerre.
Across northern Australia, some Aboriginal people have grown up bearing the names of Hollywood stars and fascist dictators. It's a link back to a dark chapter in history.
"The demand for reparations is not an attempt to rewrite history or to continue the cycle of victimization. It's a call to recognize the undeniable truth and rewrite the wrongs ..."
One year on from the "white paper protests", one of the biggest displays of civil disobedience in China since the 1989 Tiananmen massacre, young people are finding creative ways to express political dissent.
In a Green New Deal for Archives policy platform I think there’s an important role for community archives to play in documenting watersheds and local environmental problems. Community and activist archives can do this in ways that government archives likely could not or would not.
Ukraine’s state archives were under threat even before the full-scale invasion of 2022, because of a lack of funding and resources. Now Russian occupiers seem intent on destroying what’s left.
There is a lot of data in our traditional knowledge. Our chants, songs, artefacts, and tattoos all hold data that only we can interpret and understand. However, there has been limited integration of this knowledge into our policies and decision-making processes.
La ville de Gaza n’a plus d’archives. elles ont toutes disparu suite au bombardement du siège central des archives centrales
Ten years after Nelson Mandela passing away. The thought-provoking Mandela is Dead exhibition curated by Kneo Mokgopa celebrates, as well as challenges, the legacy of a great Human Rights Activist and South Africa’s first democratically elected president - Exhibition launched 30th of November 2023 at the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory in Houghton South Africa
The head of Gaza Municipality said that Israel destroyed the “Central Archives” which contained thousands of historical documents dating more than 150 years.
La presidenta de la Comisión Europea, Ursula von der Leyen, invitó este martes a instituciones y agencias europeas, organizaciones internacionales, gobiernos y a las plataformas en internet a crear una alianza global contra el tráfico de migrantes, un «desafío común» que trasciende fronteras.
Despite its historic importance, Sharpeville itself has remained unknown and its residents anonymous, yet they have a story to tell.
The author's work on the Legacies of British Slavery project traced how the profits of slavery were invested in Britain. Research of this kind raises questions about reparations and whether responsibility, today sits with individuals, organisations or the state.
The link between human rights and climate change adaptation policy has not been a major source of discussion in national policies, according to a new study.
Responding to the sentencing of a South Korean man, Lee Yoon-seop, to 14 months in prison for praising North Korea in a poem, Amnesty International’s East Asia Researcher Boram Jang said: “South Korean authorities must drop all charges against Lee Yoon-seop, who has been sentenced to jail simply for exercising his right to freedom of […]
Ante un informe según el cual Sultan al Jaber, presidente designado de la COP28 que es también director ejecutivo de la compañía estatal de Emiratos Árabes Unidos de petróleo y gas ADNOC, había sido informado para promover los intereses de las empresas que dirige en decenas de reuniones bilaterales sobre la cumbre del clima, Ann Harrison, asesora sobre cambio climático de Amnistía Internacional, ha declarado: “Sultan al Jaber afirma que sus conocimientos desde dentro del sector de los...
Facebook parent Meta Platforms deliberately engineered its social platforms to hook kids and knew — but never disclosed — it had received millions of complaints about underage users on Instagram but only disabled a fraction of those accounts
Palantir, the US spy-tech firm co-founded by the billionaire Peter Thiel, has won a contract to handle NHS data. It’s a deal that has left privacy advocates with serious questions
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