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L'ambiguïté de Macky Sall sur sa candidature à un troisième mandat, la perception d'un système judiciaire militarisé et la détention abitraire d'opposants sont les moteurs de la violence politique.
Responding to the news that the Netherlands’ House of Representatives has voted to amend the Sexual Offences Act by introducing a consent-based definition of rape.
« L’adoption de ce projet de loi est une victoire historique pour les victimes de violences sexuelles.
The vicious beating of Elena Milashina and Aleksandr Nemov by masked assailants in Chechnya this morning was an abhorrent act of violence that must not go unpunished
Le passage à tabac d’Elena Milachina et d’Alexandre Nemov par des assaillants masqués en Tchétchénie est un acte de violence qui ne doit pas rester impuni.
La brutal paliza que unos atacantes enmascarados han infligido esta mañana a Elena Milashina y Aleksandr Nemov en Chechenia ha sido un abominable acto de violencia que no debe quedar impune.
The restitution of looted objects from former colonies in Africa is an essential component of post-colonial reparation.
Hong Kong authorities have issued baseless arrest warrants and HK$1 million (US$128,000) bounties on eight exiled democracy activists and former legislators that expand China’s political intimidation campaign beyond its borders.
After months of lobbying from Kyiv, the International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine (ICPA) has opened in The Hague, Netherlands. #EuropeNews
As the Voice referendum approaches, it is becoming more important to facilitate constructive and sensitive discussions. New research shows how to approach this.
A visit to Nairobi’s archives led to a ‘eureka moment’ for Kenyan Chao Tayiana. She set out to retell colonial narratives – using digital technology to bring lost and suppressed stories to light.
President Macky Sall’s previous ambiguity on a third-term bid, perception of a weaponised justice system and arbitrary detention of opposition are the drivers of political violence in Senegal.
Non-Indigenous Australians need to actively seek the truth about past violence and injustice against Indigenous Australians.
"Due to the governments’ lack of urgency and failure to implement change, international legal institutions have been brought in to help condemn and combat femicide in Latin America."
The journalist’s fearless reporting on India under Narendra Modi cost him his job and freedom. Now broadcasting to millions on YouTube, he is the subject of a new documentary
L’Australie va voter, lors d’un référendum d’ici fin 2023. Les citoyens décideront si, oui ou non, ils autorisent la modification de la Constitution pour y reconnaître les autochtones et la création d’un organe représentatif, d’une « Voix » au Parlement.
Le roi des Pays-Bas Willem-Alexander a présenté samedi ses excuses officielles pour l’implication de son pays et de sa dynastie dans l’esclavage, se déclarant « personnellement et extrêmement » touché.
Ce nouveau numéro de la revue Culture & Recherche est dédié à la science ouverte. Il présente les productions de la recherche culturelle des acteurs et partenaires institutionnels du ministère de la Culture dans un contexte national, européen et international. Parmi les modes de « faire de la recherche » aujourd’hui, « les pratiques scientifiques plus ouvertes, transparentes, collaboratives et inclusives, associées à des connaissances scientifiques plus accessibles et vérifiables et soumises...
Four judges of Brazil’s Supreme Electoral Tribunal have voted to bar former President Jair Bolsonaro from holding political office for eight years. A majority of the court’s seven magistrates ruled that Bolsonaro had violated Brazil’s election laws when, less than three months before last year’s vote, he summoned diplomats to the presidential palace and made baseless claims that the nation’s voting systems were likely to be rigged.
By looking west to California, Jean Pfaelzer upends our understanding of slavery as a North-South struggle and reveals how the enslaved in California fought, fled, and resisted human bondage. In unyielding research and vivid interviews, Pfaelzer exposes how California gorged on slavery, an appetite that persists today in a global trade in human beings lured by promises of jobs but who instead are imprisoned in sweatshops and remote marijuana grows, or sold as nannies and sex workers.
Resource type
- Audio Recording (1)
- Blog Post (1)
- Book (3)
- Newspaper Article (121)
Publication year
Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2020 and 2025
- 2023 (126)
Between 2020 and 2025
Online resource
- yes (126)