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Former US president Donald Trump has become the first US ex-president to face federal indictment following the seizure of classified documents from his Mar-a-Lago estate.
For the Secret Canada project, The Globe sent hundreds of FOI requests across the country, in order to create a database that can be used by everyone.
Three scholars who are writing a book about menopause and the law suggest ways to protect women experiencing it.
While Lewis Hine’s early-20th century photographs of working children compelled Congress to limit or ban child labor, the US Department of Labor is now under fire for failing to enforce these laws.
We agree truth is an essential force for reconciliation, and on the 185th anniversary of the massacre offer an apology for our unacceptable historical coverage.
Après des jours de heurts et la répression qui a suivi, l’essayiste Boubacar Boris Diop, le philosophe Felwine Sarr et l’écrivain lauréat du prix Goncourt Mohamed Mbougar Sarr dénoncent un climat politique empoisonné par une hubris présidentielle et une brutale fermeture de l’espace politique.
Le dissident de 70 ans, militant au sein de l’organisation qui documente les crimes de l’URSS, encourt trois ans de prison pour avoir dénoncé la guerre en Ukraine dans un texte publié en novembre.
Cpl Sean Walsh claimed he was discriminated against at time when gay people were barred from armed forces
La decisión de la Comisión Permanente se tomó un día después de que Boluarte fuera interrogada por la fiscal general, Patricia Benavides. La Comisión rechazó un pedido de reconsideración que presentó la legisladora Sigrid Bazán.
La medida se tomó luego de que el magistrado André Mendonça pidiera más tiempo para analizar el caso. El proceso se pospuso por 90 días. El STF juzga el caso del territorio Ibirama-Laklanõ, de los pueblos Xokleng, Kaingang y Guaraní, en el estado de Santa Catarina, en el sur del país.
This week, South Sudan finalized ratification of the Maputo Protocol, ending years of delay. While this ratification signals a commitment to gender equality, South Sudanese authorities need to adopt effective policies and strategies to ensure the protocol makes a difference in people’s lives.
Read CBC’s analysis of the progress to date on the 231 calls for justice from the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
Users of the social media app have faced legal consequences for posts – some private – that are critical of Saudi authorities.
Al respecto, Petro asegura que llegó a la Presidencia "solo para lograr más justicia social en mi país. Es eso lo que me mueve y obsesiona". El contenido de las grabaciones causó inmediato repudio en sectores políticos mientras el diplomático involucrado en el escándalo aseguró que los audios fueron manipulados.
For Valdecir Nascimento, 63, the Black movement in Brazil was a “turning point” for her as a young woman, leading her from the revolutionary stilt houses in Alagados, to joining more than 1,000 participants last week at UN Headquarters for the second session of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent.
Matt Cook, who has written on queer urban life and the Aids crisis, takes up the new post at Mansfield College.
Reacting to the violence that broke out yesterday in Dakar and other towns following the verdict in the trial of opposition leader Ousmane Sonko, Samira Daoud, Amnesty International’s Regional Director for West and Central Africa
Critics say allegations against Hoang Thi Minh Hong are politically motivated, coming amid similar prosecutions against other environmental activists.
Dominée par les représentants du lobby agricole, la Chambre des députés a approuvé, mardi 30 mai, un “cadre temporel” qui limite la démarcation des territoires autochtones. Un revers pour le gouvernement du président de gauche Lula, qui attend désormais les décisions du Sénat et de la Cour suprême.
Secret Canada helps Canadians understand and use the access system through a database of completed FOI request summaries, guides on how to navigate the filing process and the latest news.
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Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2020 and 2025
- 2023 (121)
Between 2020 and 2025
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- yes (121)