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New Zealand's Prime Minister has apologized to the hundreds of thousands of people abused while in state care, and acknowledged the “unimaginable suffering” inflicted in children's homes and psychiatric hospitals.
Le premier ministre néo-zélandais a demandé pardon aux centaines de milliers de personnes victimes de violences alors qu’elles étaient prises en charge par l’État, et reconnu les « souffrances inimaginables » infligées dans des foyers pour enfants et hôpitaux psychiatriques.
Pour la 1ère fois, Justice Info publie le rapport complet de la Commission militaire de 1991, qui a été présenté par le procureur du Tribunal pour le Rwanda (TPIR) comme un acte de naissance du projet génocidaire.
For the 1st time, Justice Info publishes the full report of the Commission which was presented by the Prosecutor of the Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) as the birth certificate of the genocidal project.
À l'approche du 80e anniversaire du massacre de tirailleurs sénégalais au camp de Thiaroye, à Dakar, historiens, avocats et députés se sont réunis à l'Assemblée nationale pour une conférence-plaidoyer. Dix ans après l'évocation par le président François Hollande "d'une répression sanglante", ils réclament une reconnaissance officielle de ce massacre par la France et la création d'une commission d'enquête parlementaire.
The young political-military leader of the National Liberation Front was hanged on the night of March 3, 1957, during the Battle of Algiers, by French soldiers who disguised the death of this 'national hero' as a suicide.
By Cara Moore Lebonick | National Archives News ST. LOUIS, November 4, 2024 — On the 100-year anniversary of race riots erupting in the predominantly Black-populated and affluent Greenwood District in the city of Tulsa, OK, the city launched an investigation into unmarked graves in likely mass burial sites resulting from the riots. The laboratory assisting Tulsa, Intermountain Forensics, turned to the National Archives for records to help identify individuals from those graves.
Survivors Circle for Reproductive Justice hopes to of chronicle the history of First Nation, Inuit and Metis women and girls being forcefully sterilized and getting a better idea of how many people it affected.
Missing Pieces Project maps buildings in 189 locations where African American abolitionists spoke against slavery
Missing Pieces Project maps buildings in 189 locations where African American abolitionists spoke against slavery
Transcript released by the White House added an apostrophe to ‘supporters’ to change meaning after conferring with Biden, email shows
Le président français Emmanuel Macron a reconnu, vendredi 1er novembre 2024, « l'assassinat » du dirigeant du Front de libération nationale (FLN) Larbi Ben M'hidi « par des militaires français », à l'occasion du 70e anniversaire de l'insurrection du 1er novembre 1954 qui ouvrit la guerre d'Algérie.
On Monday, Oct. 21, the Joan and Stanford Alexander South Texas Jewish Archives hosted a special lecture featuring renowned photographer and activist Janice Rubin. Entitled “Refuseniks Revealed: Stories of Struggle and Hope from the Soviet Union,” the talk shed light on Rubin’s daring 1986 mission to document the lives of Soviet Jews denied permission to emigrate – a group known as “refuseniks.”
On Monday, Oct. 21, the Joan and Stanford Alexander South Texas Jewish Archives hosted a special lecture featuring renowned photographer and activist Janice Rubin. Entitled “Refuseniks Revealed: Stories of Struggle and Hope from the Soviet Union,” the talk shed light on Rubin’s daring 1986 mission to document the lives of Soviet Jews denied permission to emigrate – a group known as “refuseniks.”
Center was one of the first US schools for formerly enslaved people, and now preserves Gullah Geechee culture
Calling it "a blot on American history," president Biden formally apologized for the federal government's role in running boarding schools where thousands of Native American children endured abuse, neglect and eradication of their tribal identities.
Le président américain Joe Biden a présenté vendredi des excuses rares et historiques pour les atrocités commises durant plus d'un siècle dans des pensionnats où des dizaines de milliers d'enfants autochtones, arrachés à leur famille par l'État, ont été placés et maltraités dans un but d'assimilation forcée.
Expert says any suggestion of Human Diversity Foundation accessing sensitive data could affect public trust in science.
A judge in South Carolina has erased the records of seven Black men arrested in 1960 for sitting at an all-white lunch counter.
Plus de 350 défenseurs de l’environnement ont été assassinés ces six dernières années en Colombie, pays hôte de la COP16 sur la biodiversité, révèle l’ONG Fondation Paix et Réconciliation (PARES) dans un rapport publié mercredi à Cali.
- References - Boel et al. (2021), Archives and Human Rights (14)
- References - Comma (2020 1-2), Archives and Human Rights (1)
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