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Ce livre analyse la dynamique qui s'est emparée de la Tunisie lors de la révolution des "Jasmins". Un vent de liberté souffle sur le pays. Mais l'extrémisme religieux et la violence perturbent cet élan vers la démocratie. L'histoire multimillénaire du pays, son esprit laïc et le statut de la femme tunisienne expliquent que ce pays n'ait pas sombré dans le chaos comme l'Egypte ou la Libye. En citant Mandela, Sade et d'autres acteurs de la révolution française, il fait un parallèle avec les...
Una exhaustiva investigación del caso Puig Antich para cuestionar la imperfecta transición española.Los detalles del proceso contra el anarquista Salvador Puig Antich, último ejecutado por garrote vil en España hace cuarenta años, son aún hoy materia reservada. Solo gracias a la revisión del caso, que sigue abierto en Argentina, y a la documentación que se conserva en archivos de todo el mundo, ha sido posible desmentir una serie de tópicos de un episodio que marcó la hoja de ruta del final...
National Book Award Finalist TIME Magazine's #1 Nonfiction Book of 2012A New York Times Notable BookA Washington Post Top Ten Book of 2012Best Nonfiction of 2012: The Wall Street Journal, The Plain Dealer In the much-anticipated follow-up to her Pulitzer Prize-winning Gulag, acclaimed journalist Anne Applebaum delivers a groundbreaking history of how Communism took over Eastern Europe after World War II and transformed in frightening fashion the individuals who came under its sway. Iron...
Through the life of one extraordinary man, this biography reveals what the term human rights meant to the men and women who endured two world wars, and how this major political and intellectual movement ultimately inspired and enshrined the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. René Cassin was a man of his generation, committed to moving from war to peace through international law, and whose work won him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1968. His life crossed all the major events of the first...
Pierwsza popularna książka o służbach specjalnych PRL. Efekt siedmioletniej pracy naukowej jednego z pierwszych pracowników IPN-u. Pełna wstrząsających faktów, przystępnie napisana, historia służb sp...
"Um dos aspectos mais interessantes de sua elaboração é chamar a atenção para um ponto aparentemente óbvio, porém pouco problematizado: qual é, afinal, o vínculo entre o conceito de ´justiça de transição´ e aquilo que, anos atrás, a ciência política acadêmica chamou de ´transição´, isto é, os processos de passagem de regimes autoritários para regimes democráticos, ocorridos mais ou menos a partir de meados dos anos 1970 em diversas partes do mundo, inclusive na América Latina e no Brasil?"...
Justice transitionnelle ? Connais pas. Pourtant c'est désormais, dans les relations internationales, une "recette" devenue comme une norme qui s'appliquerait à tout pays sortant d'une dictature ou d'une guerre et aspirant à une vie politique et civique pacifiée. Les pays concernés sont aujourd'hui légion : Afrique du Sud, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Ouganda, Libye, Côte d'Ivoire, Égypte, Tunisie, Guinée, Maroc, sans oublier nombre de pays latino-américains et européens - ceux autrefois dominés à...
The rise of China presents a long-term challenge to the world not only economically, but politically and culturally. Callahan meets this challenge in China: The Pessoptimist Nation by using new Chinese sources and innovative analysis to see how Chinese people understand their new place in the world.To chart the trajectory of its rise, the book shifts from examining China's national interests to exploring its national aesthetic. Rather than answering the standard social science question "what...
Zum Ministerium für Staatssicherheit gibt es zahlreiche Einzeluntersuchungen und einige Überblicksdarstellungen. Doch bisher fehlte ein kompaktes Nachschlagewerk, in dem man knapp und präzise alle wichtigen Informationen zum Thema findet. Das vorliegende Lexikon behandelt sowohl die entscheidenden Schlüsselbegriffe als auch die wichtigsten Akteure und die Organisationsstruktur. Dabei wird zugleich das politische Umfeld thematisiert, werden die Auftraggeber und Kooperationspartner genannt....
This widely acclaimed and highly regarded book, used extensively by students, scholars, policymakers, and activists, now appears in a new third edition. Focusing on the theme of visions seen by those who dreamed of what might be, Lauren explores the dramatic transformation of a world patterned by centuries of human rights abuses into a global community that now boldly proclaims that the way governments treat their own people is a matter of international concern-and sets the goal of human...
From Berlin to Bucharest, from Warsaw to Sofia, Soviet tanks crossed national borders across East Central Europe at the end of the Second World War. The arrival of the Red Army marked an important turn in history. Within only a few years, the often unpopular communist parties developed into political organizations with mass followings. They managed to seize power, eliminate political opposition to their rule, and purge the state apparatus of undesirable personnel. In Securing the Communist...
This is a timely empirical study and review of the Gacaca Courts which were established in 2001 in Rwanda as an attempt to prosecute suspects involved in the 1994 genocide. Based on the author's original field work which began in 2003 in Rwanda and which has been updated to the end of 2009, it includes responses from within the Rwandan population. Dr. Clark argues that, despite widespread international scepticism, the Gacaca process has achieved remarkable results in terms of justice and...
In a sweeping review of forty truth commissions, Priscilla Hayner delivers a definitive exploration of the global experience in official truth-seeking after widespread atrocities. When Unspeakable Truths was first published in 2001, it quickly became a classic, helping to define the field of truth commissions and the broader arena of transitional justice. This second edition is fully updated and expanded, covering twenty new commissions formed in the last ten years, analyzing new trends, and...
- References - Boel et al. (2021), Archives and Human Rights (148)
- References - Comma (2020 1-2), Archives and Human Rights (17)
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