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The performances, music, and videos created by the feminist punk art collective Pussy Riot, formed in Moscow in 2011, are characterized by provocative and politically charged lyrics and actions. Pussy Riot has shone a light on the brutal injustices that the Russian state inflicts on its citizens through political imprisonment, arbitrary arrests, extrajudicial executions, mysterious poisonings, aggressive surveillance, and other means of suppressing critical voices. The exhibition runs at the...
Formé à Moscou en 2011, Pussy Riot produit des performances, de la musique et des vidéos qui se caractérisent par des paroles et des actions provocantes. Les membres de Pussy Riot ont mis en lumière les injustices brutales que l’État russe impose à ses citoyens et citoyennes par ses fréquents emprisonnements politiques, ses arrestations arbitraires, ses exécutions extrajudiciaires, ses empoisonnements mystérieux, sa surveillance agressive, sa corruption et d’autres suppressions de voix...
New history books and classes called "Important Conversation" are prompting the new nationalist propaganda discourse across schools in Russia.
Libro escolar falsifica información sobre la invasión a Ucrania y los crímenes de Stalin
The Trudeau government has a lot to do in explaining why numerous immigrants of questionable and troubling backgrounds were allowed into Canada after World War II.
While EU legislators debate between opt-in and opt-out options for the secondary use of health data under the European Health Data Space (EHDS) proposal, harmonising GDPR across the bloc could provide a solution.
Il est logique de qualifier la sécurité sociale de « pierre angulaire » des droits humains, car de nombreux autres droits en dépendent, comme le droit à l'éducation ou à la santé.
‘Geofence warrants’ tied a man in the wrong place at the wrong time to a crime he didn’t commit – is he the only one?
This October, a fishing town on the Danish Riviera remembers one of the greatest collective acts of resistance of World War Two: its role in the flight and escape of the Danish Jews.
¿Ha tenido alguna vez la sensación de que alguien te sigue? Tus temores pueden estar justificados, ya que las nuevas tecnologías facilitan más que nunca la vigilancia.
Governments and international financial institutions should make a commitment to create social security systems that enable everyone to realize their rights.
En la UE ha aumentado la preocupación por el retroceso de las normas que protegen a los periodistas.
Le Parlement européen a adopté mardi sa position sur la loi européenne concernant la liberté de la presse. Les élus veulent protéger la transparence et l’indépendance des médias.
Concerns have been growing in the EU over a backsliding of standards protecting journalists.
Some 4,500 women were fitted with coils as part of attempts to limit the territory's population.
Humanitarian organizations bear the responsibility of ensuring that their systems and procedures for data collection, processing, and utilization align with the best international standards and which data it needs to protect.
GFDRR releases an open data standard to make it easier to publish, access, share, and use quality disaster and climate risk data.
A recent trial of an attack by an Israeli settler on a U.S. citizen shows how difficult it is to obtain justice when harassment and attacks on human rights activists are committed.
The author was shocked to discover forebears who served with the brutal Native Police in the bloodiest years on the frontier. Killing for Country is the result – a soul-searching Australian history.
Centré sur les pays du Cône Sud (Argentine, Brésil, Chili, Paraguay, Uruguay), l'ouvrage porte sur la période des dictatures militaires inaugurée par le coup d’État au Brésil de 1964 et se termine avec le retour à la démocratie au Chili en 1990. Il traite du sort et de l’utilisation des archives administratives à la chute de ces dictatures, dans une visée internationale.
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