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La noche del 26 de junio de 1973, Aurelio González fue el único fotógrafo testigo de la última sesión del Senado uruguayo antes del golpe de Estado. Pasó la madrugada en vela y a la mañana siguiente captó con su cámara la llegada de los tanques al centro de Montevideo. Esta fotogalería recoge algunas de las imágenes que captó del golpe militar y de las protestas en los meses siguientes.
Remembering Edie Windsor, who paved the way for out and proud Americans like me.
South Africa is failing to provide hundreds of thousands of older people access to basic care and support services, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Many face risks to their physical well-being and safety and experience profound distress and fear at the prospect of being forced to live, and die, in an institution.
El expresidente estadounidense reconoce en la conversación que un documento sobre Irán en su poder seguía siendo “altamente confidencial”
La rapporteuse spéciale sur les droits de l’homme et la lutte antiterroriste, Fionnuala Ni Aolain, décrit le traitement des trente derniers détenus de Guantanamo comme étant « cruel, inhumain et dégradant ».
It appears to be the same recording cited by prosecutors in their indictment of the former president.
Unrest follows the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old who apparently failed to obey traffic police.
Encinas reveló además la detención del extitular de la Unidad Antisecuestros, Gualberto Ramírez Gutiérrez, también en relación con el caso Ayotzinapa.
An independent UN-appointed climate expert on Tuesday called for full legal protection to be given to those displaced by the impacts of climate change, to guarantee their human rights.
Entre juin 2022 et mars 2023, dans le territoire de Kwamouth, un conflit intercommunautaire a occasionné la mort d’au moins 300 personnes, selon Human Rights Watch.
With nearly constant surveillance, gruelling isolation and limited family access, the treatment of the last 30 Guantanamo detainees is "cruel, inhuman and degrading," UN rights experts said Monday as they reported on their first visit to the US military prison.
Support for survivors is limited and the majority of cases aren’t reported.
Authors of a new report from the the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation and the National Endowment for the Humanities say climate change is the most significant threat in conservation.
Le parquet allemand a admis dimanche avoir placé sur écoute des militants écologistes appartenant au groupe Letzte Generation (« La dernière génération »), une information qui a provoqué un tollé dans le pays.
On 4 July, the Human Rights Council will hear a report providing recommendations for protocol and standard settings in new technologies. We speak to the head of the team engaging with business and pushing for greater awareness of human rights implications from the fast-evolving sector.
L’archiviste Freddy Pahima met à la disposition de la bibliothèque burkinabè une nouvelle œuvre. Il s’agit de « Les archives à l’épreuve du terrorisme en Afrique de l’Ouest ».
The amaBhungane Centre for Investigative Journalism draws its name from the Zulu word for dung beetle -- a diligent species that fulfils a crucial role. The tiny South African non-profit specialises in delving into political corruption -- "digging dung and fertilizing democracy," its editor-in-chief, Sam Sole, said with a chuckle in a recent interview with AFP.
Cette restitution a permis de récupérer les dépouilles de près de 900 autochtones.
The Human Rights Commission's Claire Charters (pictured in 2021) said the data painted a dire picture of the upholding of Māori civil rights.
Los servicios de inteligencia estadounidenses se dividen entre las dos hipótesis de forma no concluyente, pero descartan que el virus se crease como arma biológica
- References - Boel et al. (2021), Archives and Human Rights (15)
- References - Comma (2020 1-2), Archives and Human Rights (1)
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