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New Yorkers who commit crimes could have their records automatically sealed if they stay out of trouble for a certain number of years after they have finished serving their sentences under a bill passed by state lawmakers Friday.
Data tracking biases against women has shown no progress over the past decade, with prejudices remaining "deeply embedded" in society despite rights campaigns such as MeToo, a UN report said Monday.
Les pays doivent s'attaquer au « grave préjudice mondial » causé par la prolifération de la haine et des mensonges en ligne, a déclaré lundi le Secrétaire général de l'ONU, António Guterres, lors du lancement d'un rapport clé conçu pour renforcer l'intégrité de l'information sur les plateformes numériques.
Countries must address the “grave global harm” caused by the proliferation of hate and lies online, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Monday, launching a key report designed to shore up information integrity on digital platforms.
À Dakar, les étudiants de l'université Cheick Anta Diop sont en colère. La semaine dernière, des bâtiments ont été incendiés et des milliers de documents administratifs sont partis en fumée après des manifestations en faveur de l'opposant Ousmane Sonko. Pour certains étudiants, impossible désormais de faire certifier leurs diplômes.
Students from Dakar's Cheikh Anta Diop University are attempting to rescue some 200,000 university documents that were burnt during the deadly protests following the two-year prison sentence handed down to opponent Ousmane Sonko.
ChatGPT y la inteligencia artificial generativa (IA) dominan los titulares y las conversaciones. Pero, ¿qué hay detrás de esta tecnología? ¿Quién la alimenta de datos y decide de dónde proceden? ¿Qué tiene que ver con los derechos humanos?
Donald Trump improperly stored in his Florida estate sensitive documents on nuclear capabilities, repeatedly enlisted aides and lawyers to help him hide records demanded by investigators and cavalierly showed off a Pentagon “plan of attack” and classified map, according to a felony indictment.
After the latest murder of a woman by her partner, Italy is revisiting its laws protecting women from gender-based violence. But experts say new legislative measures are not what the country needs.
Volunteers from a humanitarian group in Ukraine provide thousands of litres of clean drinking water to people affected by the Kakhovska dam blast.
Former US president Donald Trump has become the first US ex-president to face federal indictment following the seizure of classified documents from his Mar-a-Lago estate.
For the Secret Canada project, The Globe sent hundreds of FOI requests across the country, in order to create a database that can be used by everyone.
Three scholars who are writing a book about menopause and the law suggest ways to protect women experiencing it.
While Lewis Hine’s early-20th century photographs of working children compelled Congress to limit or ban child labor, the US Department of Labor is now under fire for failing to enforce these laws.
We agree truth is an essential force for reconciliation, and on the 185th anniversary of the massacre offer an apology for our unacceptable historical coverage.
Après des jours de heurts et la répression qui a suivi, l’essayiste Boubacar Boris Diop, le philosophe Felwine Sarr et l’écrivain lauréat du prix Goncourt Mohamed Mbougar Sarr dénoncent un climat politique empoisonné par une hubris présidentielle et une brutale fermeture de l’espace politique.
Le dissident de 70 ans, militant au sein de l’organisation qui documente les crimes de l’URSS, encourt trois ans de prison pour avoir dénoncé la guerre en Ukraine dans un texte publié en novembre.
Cpl Sean Walsh claimed he was discriminated against at time when gay people were barred from armed forces
La decisión de la Comisión Permanente se tomó un día después de que Boluarte fuera interrogada por la fiscal general, Patricia Benavides. La Comisión rechazó un pedido de reconsideración que presentó la legisladora Sigrid Bazán.
La medida se tomó luego de que el magistrado André Mendonça pidiera más tiempo para analizar el caso. El proceso se pospuso por 90 días. El STF juzga el caso del territorio Ibirama-Laklanõ, de los pueblos Xokleng, Kaingang y Guaraní, en el estado de Santa Catarina, en el sur del país.
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