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Between 9 May and 16 June, Amnesty International interviewed 29 civilians faced with the difficult choice of whether to return to the conflict they fled, or remain stranded at the border, where they may wait for an indefinite period without basic supplies to maintain their health, privacy, and dignity.
Los países que hacen frontera con Sudán deben levantar de inmediato las restricciones de entrada para las personas que huyen del conflicto en ese país y garantizar el acceso a protección y seguridad a aproximadamente medio millón de personas que ya han huido del conflicto. Así lo ha manifestado hoy Amnistía Internacional.
France : les racines de la colère. Du malaise des banlieues au “racisme systémique” de la police, de l’origine des violences urbaines à leurs conséquences politiques, les envoyés spéciaux des grands médias étrangers ont multiplié les analyses, témoignages et reportages pour tenter de comprendre les origines de cette colère française. Dans notre dossier cette semaine, nous vous en proposons une sélection représentative. C’est un autre regard, plus distancié, sur ce qui se passe en France, et c’est un regard nécessaire.
This week, Burundian authorities once again displayed their contempt for human rights by walking out of the country’s review before the UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva.
Cette semaine, les autorités burundaises ont une fois de plus affiché leur mépris pour les droits humains en se retirant de l’examen périodique de leur pays devant le Comité des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies à Genève.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to the United States included yoga at the United Nations, an address to the U.S. Congress that promised strides in the bilateral partnership, and a lavish state dinner at the White House with 400 guests. President Joe Biden spoke of the “unlimited potential” of ties between India and the United States.
In recent years, the global landscape for human rights defenders (HRDs) has become more difficult and complex, with both new and heightened challenges. With hundreds of defenders killed every year, the scale and magnitude of threats faced by HRDs is unprecedented.
L'ambiguïté de Macky Sall sur sa candidature à un troisième mandat, la perception d'un système judiciaire militarisé et la détention abitraire d'opposants sont les moteurs de la violence politique.
Responding to the news that the Netherlands’ House of Representatives has voted to amend the Sexual Offences Act by introducing a consent-based definition of rape.
« L’adoption de ce projet de loi est une victoire historique pour les victimes de violences sexuelles.
The vicious beating of Elena Milashina and Aleksandr Nemov by masked assailants in Chechnya this morning was an abhorrent act of violence that must not go unpunished
Le passage à tabac d’Elena Milachina et d’Alexandre Nemov par des assaillants masqués en Tchétchénie est un acte de violence qui ne doit pas rester impuni.
La brutal paliza que unos atacantes enmascarados han infligido esta mañana a Elena Milashina y Aleksandr Nemov en Chechenia ha sido un abominable acto de violencia que no debe quedar impune.
The restitution of looted objects from former colonies in Africa is an essential component of post-colonial reparation.
Hong Kong authorities have issued baseless arrest warrants and HK$1 million (US$128,000) bounties on eight exiled democracy activists and former legislators that expand China’s political intimidation campaign beyond its borders.
Au plus fort de la conquête de l'Algérie par la France, plusieurs milliers d'hommes, de femmes et d'enfants, originaires de diverses régions du Maghreb, furent exilés sans procès, ni jugement à l'île Sainte-Marguerite. Emprisonnés au Fort Royal, 274 d'entre eux succombèrent. Ils reposent aujourd'hui dans le cimetière musulman de l'Île Sainte-Marguerite. Découvrez leur histoire.
Navigating Cultural Memory examines how a master narrative of the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi evolved into a hegemonic narrative both in Rwanda and globally. Identifying key actors who shaped and responded to the evolution and enforcement of the master narrative in the first two decades after the genocide and civil war ended, it engages with important questions about collective memory, trauma, and power following violent and divisive events. With chapters analyzing interviews the author...
Between 2015 and 2020, Indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples, along with small, local communities in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, gained legal recognition to more than 247 million acres of land — an 85 percent increase. That’s according to a new report from Rights and Resources Initiative, a global nonprofit focused on land and resource rights.
After months of lobbying from Kyiv, the International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine (ICPA) has opened in The Hague, Netherlands. #EuropeNews
As the Voice referendum approaches, it is becoming more important to facilitate constructive and sensitive discussions. New research shows how to approach this.
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