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It's mostly about currying favor with the United States, not Israel.
Over the years, internationally-minded archivists have had to consider the possibility of taking custody of archives from another country because the archives are at risk in their country of origin. The risks may take many forms, but archives in war-zones and other disaster areas, and archives at environmental risk (including risks of climate change) provide striking examples. The removal of archives from one country to another is always likely to be controversial, however, and even...
La chute du mur de Berlin ne comportait-elle pas la promesse d’une paix durable ? Ce livre analyse la perpétuation de violences de toutes sortes dans un monde dont le totalitarisme ne constitue plus la référence centrale. À l’heure de la globalisation, il montre que ces violences relèvent de dynamiques hétérogènes : conflits armés, mais aussi arbitraire étatique, brutalités du capitalisme, exclusions physiques ou symboliques. Parallèlement, il souligne combien les sociétés résistent à de...
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) supports Aboriginal peoples (First Nations, Inuit and Métis) and Northerners in their efforts to improve social well-being and economic prosperity; develop healthier, more sustainable communities and participate more fully in Canada's political, social and economic development – to the benefit of all Canadians.
"Composta por textos escritos na década de 1970, Microfísica do poder foi elaborado por Foucault na perspectiva de construir resistências específicas aos variados dispositivos do poder. Microfísica do poder é uma coletânea de artigos, cursos, entrevistas e debates, em que Foucault analisa questões relacionadas à medicina, à psiquiatria, à geografia, à economia, mas também ao hospital, à prisão, à justiça, ao Estado, ao papel do intelectual, à sexualidade etc. Esses textos têm como tema...
Why and how can records serve as evidence of human rights violations, in particular crimes against humanity, and help the fight against impunity? Archives and Human Rights shows the close relationship between archives and human rights and discusses the emergence, at the international level, of the principles of the right to truth, justice and reparation.Through a historical overview and topical case studies from different regions of the world the book discusses how records can concretely...
For several decades, Japan kept in place significant self-imposed constraints on its security policy even as its economy grew tremendously. While it has been argued that Japan refrained from enacting security policy change because of strong domestic pacifist or anti-militarist sentiments, recently, radical policy changes have nonetheless taken place. How can these changes be understood? The existing explanations typically see them as a response to objectively existing or constructed external...
Libro Memoria histórica desde el ámbito territorial facebook twitter whatsapp El presente documento de orientaciones se concentra en los instrumentos contemplados por la Ley de Víctimas y Restitución de Tierras (ley 1448 de 2011) referentes a la realización del derecho a la verdad, así como en aquellos relacionados con la reparación simbólica a través de …
Oitenta anos depois da composição dessas teses impressiona a absoluta atualidade delas. A necessidade de se repaginar a história do ponto de vista dos vencidos é imperativa. Ela deve estar na base de qualquer projeto digno de um viver em comum que vise nos catapultar para fora desse nosso momento histórico de triunfo do neocolonialismo, do negacionismo da crise ambiental, da homofobia, da misoginia, do racismo, de fobia à política, à democracia e aos direitos humanos.Se revisionistas...
La movilización de todos los recursos durante la Guerra Civil Española alcanzó también el ámbito de la Cultura y la Gestión del Patrimonio. Si bien son más conocidas iniciativas relacionadas con el Museo del Prado o la Biblioteca Nacional, desde el principio se tuvo en cuenta la creación de un Archivo de la Guerra, donde se reunirían todos los testimonios escritos de todas aquellas unidades militares o asociaciones políticas que lucharon en defensa de la República. Este archivo, después de...
Comme Maurice Audin, des milliers d'Algériens disparaîtront du fait des forces de l'ordre françaises pendant la guerre d'Algérie. Emmanuel Macron a promis l'ouverture des archives pour sortir leur trace du brouillard du récit officiel et du refoulé. Historiens et familles l'attendent encore.
The administration has started sending migrants back to Guatemala.
Thirty years after communism ended, Poland’s past is again being manipulated for political motives, says Polish journalist Estera Flieger
Personal information, coverage, complaints
Looking for help on immigration, the Trump administration is silent in the face of Guatemala’s effort to seal its dirty war archive.
In matters of policy-making and governing, understanding the systemic complexity of interrelated forces is crucial to avoiding failure.
In South Africa’s criminal justice system post-1994, the Timol case is the first to enact what can be properly understood as restorative justice.
Among the mechanisms on which the Bourguiba and Ben Ali regimes relied was the justice system which became a tool of government, and prisons, where all manner of violence and abuse took place. In its section on the mechanisms of systemic crimes, the report of the Truth and Dignity Commission (IVD) dissects these two tools […]
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Between 1780 and 1789
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Between 1820 and 1829
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Between 1910 and 1919
- Between 2000 and 2025 (320)
- Unknown (24)