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La visibilización del sufrimiento de los sobrevivientes de la guerra en el país y el énfasis en su capacidad de transformar el dolor en agencia y solidaridad son un aporte a la dignificación de la humanidad de las víctimas y la de sus familias. Tramitar el pasado: Archivos de derechos humanos y museología viva registra una experiencia que tiene como eje el archivo de la Asociación Caminos de Esperanza Madres de La Candelaria, la cual ha asumido el compromiso de denunciar y documentar las...
El libro LAS REDES DEL TERROR de JOSE MARIA FARALDO en Casa del Libro: ¡descubre las mejores ofertas y envíos gratis!
Tunisie - Une démocratisation au-dessus de tout soupçon ? (EAN13 : 9782271118073) édité par CNRS Editions - Premières élections pluralistes, nouvelle constitution, multiplication des partis et des associations, montée des revendications des minorités sexuelles, régionales et religieuses, recomposition du personnel politico-administratif, explosion des conflits autour de la question sociale…
As Katherine Verdery observes, "There's nothing like reading your secret police file to make you wonder who you really are." In 1973 Verdery began her doctoral fieldwork in the Transylvanian region of Romania, ruled at the time by communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu. She returned several times over the next twenty-five years, during which time the secret police--the Securitate--compiled a massive surveillance file on her. Reading through its 2,781 pages, she learned that she was "actually"...
The fight against impunity has become a growing concern of the international community. Updated in 2005, the UN Set of Principles for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights Through Action to Combat Impunity is the fruit of several years of study, developed under the aegis of the UN Commission on Human Rights and then affirmed by the Human Rights Council. These Principles are today widely accepted as constituting an authoritative reference point for efforts in the fight against impunity...
What role does the political survival of prime ministers play in Japan’s relations with China over the Yasukuni issue? Three Japanese prime ministers, including Nakasone Yasuhiro, Hashimoto Ryutaro and Abe Shinzo, complied with China’s demands and stopped visiting the controversial Shrine in 1986, 1997 and 2007, respectively. By contrast, the Yasukuni controversy intensified between 2001 and 2006 when a popular Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro was determined to pay regular homage to the...
In Japan, people often refer to August 15, 1945 as the end of
Dieses Handbuch ist eine systematische und methodische Einführung in das Thema Transitional Justice, das bislang vor allem durch Länderstudien zur
"Esta obra comporta três partes nitidamente delimitadas pelo tema e pelo método. A primeira, que enfoca a memória e os fenômenos mnemônicos, está sob a égide da fenomenologia, no sentido husserliano do termo. A segunda, dedicada à história, procede de uma epistemologia das ciências históricas. A terceira, que culmina numa meditação sobre o esquecimento, enquadra-se numa hermenêutica da condição histórica dos seres humanos que somos. Mas essas três partes não constituem três livros. Embora os...
Un maestro extraordinario de la fusión entre periodismo y literatura. «El material humano no necesita de retórica alguna, ni de frases más largas que una línea para emocionar al lector: le basta la verdad honesta de la que parte.»Javier Aparicio Maydeu, Babelia «Aunque no lo parezca, aunque no quiera parecerlo, ésta es una obra de ficción.» Durante el otoño de 2005, Rodrigo Rey Rosa visitó a diario el Gabinete de Identificación del recién descubierto archivo secreto de la Policía Nacional de...
"Femme, réveille-toi !". Comment faire entendre sa voix en ce XVIIIe siècle qui grouille de paroles alors que grandit le silence divin ? Quel langage trouver pour avoir le sentiment d'être soi ? Comment exister à ce moment où la politique devient un théâtre de l'idéal mais aussi de la cruauté ? Comment, en somme, faire en sorte que "si la femme a le droit de monter sur l'échafaud", elle puisse aussi avoir le droit de "monter à la tribune" ? Voici quelques-unes des questions auxquelles tente...
Der Fall der Berliner Mauer und die Wiedervereinigung beendeten vierzig Jahre Trennung von Bundesrepublik und DDR. Diese Ereignisse waren zweifelsohne von nationaler und internationaler Bedeutung. Die empathische Erinnerung daran markiert den Gründungsmythos eines wiedervereinigten Deutschlands wie auch den eines sich erweiternden Europas.Mit größer werdendem zeitlichem Abstand wird diese euphorische Lesart allerdings zunehmend blasser. Nicht nur die Verwerfungen der Banken- und Eurokrise...
Contested Memories in Chinese and Japanese Foreign Policy explores the issue of memory and lack of reconciliation in East Asia. As main East Asian nations have never achieved a common memory of their pasts, in particular, the events of the Second World War and Sino-Japanese War, this book locates the issue of memory within International Relations theory, exploring the theoretical and practical link between the construction of a country’s identity and the formation and contestation of its...
Cet ouvrage s’interroge sur les relations entre mémoire, intimité et historiographie dans le contexte particulier des expériences de domination – colonialisme et dictatures – qui ont affecté les espaces (ex)impériaux des mondes ibériques contemporains. En s’appuyant sur différents cas d’étude (Afrique, Amérique latine, Péninsule ibérique), les chapitres qui composent ce volume explorent le double mouvement de domination et de subversion au prisme de ce que nous appelons l’archive sensible....
Libro Política Pública de Archivos de Derechos Humanos, Memoria Histórica y Conflicto Armado facebook twitter whatsapp Luego de la firma del acuerdo de paz entre el gobierno nacional y la guerrilla de las Farc, después de más de cinco décadas de conflicto armado interno, la sociedad colombiana y sus instituciones asisten a un momento histórico …
Seventy years have passed since the end of the Asia-Pacific War, yet Japan remains embroiled in controversy with its neighbors over the war’s commemoration. Among the many points of contention between Japan, China, and South Korea are interpretations of the Tokyo War Crimes Trial, apologies and compensation for foreign victims of Japanese aggression, prime ministerial visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, and the war’s portrayal in textbooks. Collectively, these controversies have come to be called...