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A body of critical academic literature has characterized the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) as a nation-building enterprise with reconciliation as its core. Although this literature is especially influential within South African scholarship, the association of the TRC with reconciliation has become a far wider orthodoxy. An engagement with the full range of the TRC's hearings, its institutional practice and its seven-volume report demonstrates a more contested...
In 2006, Poland and Romania embarked on renewed lustration programmes. These late lustration policies expanded the scope and transparency measures associated with lustration as a form of transitional justice. While early lustration measures targeted political elites, late lustration policies include public and private sector positions, such as journalists, academics, business leaders, and others in ‘positions of public trust’. Given the legal controversy and moral complexity surrounding...
Despite their increased popularity in Latin America, Africa and Asia, truth commissions have remained an overlooked solution to coming to terms with the recent human rights abuses perpetrated in communist Europe. Since the start of the democratization process in the early 1990s, only Germany, the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and Romania have employed truth commissions as methods to reckon with communist crimes. These five commissions share important similarities and...
Vorspann Die Zentrale Stelle in Ludwigsburg ist das Herzstück der justiziellen Ahndung von NSVerbrechen. 1958 gegründet, spielte die einzigartige Institution bei der Einleitung fast aller großen Prozesse eine wichtige Rolle. Der jetzige Leiter und sein Stellvertreter ziehen hier Bilanz und blicken dabei vor allem auf die letzten 25 Jahre zurück, in denen die Zentrale Stelle dazu überging, umfassende eigenständige Ermittlungen im In- und Ausland durchzuführen – und dabei immer wieder beachtliche Erfolge verbuchen konnte.
This article looks at early proposals for an international archive, at the different respects in which archives are international or transnational, and at the development since 1946 of the archives of international organizations. It suggests that the history of the UN's involvement with archives is itself a development of historical and even political interest.
Archivists today are caught between an expanding volume of records and a growing public expectation that every page in every document is online and indexed. With so many records and so few resources to provide on-demand access to them, the problem seems intractable. More money alone is not the answer; larger appropriations or donations cannot solve this problem. Instead, archivists must fundamentally shift the way they think about their roles and develop alternative means and methods for doing archival work.
In Japan's case, there was hardly any awareness of the Nanjing atrocities in wartime, such sensibilities being deprived of fuel by censorship and overwhelmed by popular war fever and the desire to see Japan as the champion of international justice. The civil war with the Nationalists and the ensuing Cold War meant that PRC propaganda regarding Nanjing focused on Nationalist incompetence and US dastardliness, as in purported ulterior motives behind the establishment of the Nanjing safety zone for civilian Chinese.
Recent studies have increasingly argued that the Chinese leadership uses Japan’s imperialistic past as a tool for domestic and political bargaining. However, this argument fails to appreciate the embedded nature of negative memories within China. This article forwards an alternative argument by situating Japanese militaristic history within Chinese national identity. By examining a wide range of Chinese primary sources often underutilized by International Relations (IR) analysts, it moves...
Cet article explique l’émergence, les caractères et la valeur d’un ensemble documentaire propre au XXe siècle, tel qu’il se constitue en Amérique latine lorsque des organismes de défense des droits de l’Homme surgissent de la société civile pour défendre les victimes et dénoncer, au plan du droit, les graves infractions qui sont commises, dans les pays en proie à la violence politique. Son propos est centré sur trois pays où ce mouvement s’est particulièrement illustré. Il rappelle d’abord...
Most of political parties represented at the Spanish Parliament agreed, after Franco’s death, not to face the recent past. From the beginning of the Spanish political transition has existed neither a policy of memory nor a real archival policy regarding that subject. The management of the records produced by D.N.S.D. (National Delegation of Documentary Services, the information agency of Franco regime in Salamanca), was only focused on improving historical researches. The archives of...
This paper considers the relationship between memory and archives by exploring the concepts of individual and collective memory and by examining the processes involved with creating, capturing, storing, and retrieving memories. The author considers the metaphor of archives as memory and relates our perception of memory to our understanding of the creation, preservation, and use of records and archives. She demonstrates that individual and collective memory represent only a fragment of life...
En este articulo se desarrollará una descripción y análisis delpapel y el lugar que asumen los testimonios que reproduce el informe Nunca Más elaborado por la Comisión Nacional sobre la Desaparición de Personas en 1984 en torno a las desapariciones.Se intentará describir y analizar su contenido y forma, el tono deestas voces, las intervenciones que realiza la CONADEP sobre los mismos y las continuidades y rupturas que presentan con respecto al lugar que ocuparon en los discursos previos acerca de la desaparición de personas.
El Partido del Socialismo Democrático (Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus), surgido de la descomposición interna del SED (Sozialistiscbe Einbeitspartei Deutschlands), es un caso relevante de adaptación de los partidos únicos en los regímenes comunistas a la democracia plurípar-tidista. Dadas las peculiaridades de la transición en la República Democrática de Alemania, acelerada por su rápida integración en la República Federal, el SED no tuvo la oportunidad de transformarse en una...
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- English (20)
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- German (3)
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- Spanish (6)