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Japan’s kyōkasho mondai (history textbook controversy) is at a crossroads. This article tries to exemplify it through the analysis of three issue areas at three levels (international, domestic, and societal). Internationally, the study looks into the failure of much anticipated joint history writing projects with China (2006–2010) and South Korea (2002–2005, 2007–2010). Domestically, this study problematises the recent politicisation of the textbook adoption system through the analysis of...
UNESCO’s ‘Memory of the World’ Programme promotes the preservation, universal access and public awareness of the world’s significant documents as the common heritage of all humankind. The inscription of the ‘Documents of Nanjing Massacre’ into the ‘Memory of the World’ Register in 2015 reflects an increasingly globalised concern in the post–Cold War era over the remembrance of war and atrocity. Yet it has reignited the tension between Japan and China, resulting in strong pressure on UNESCO to...
On China's web, networked actors ranging from state agencies to private Internet users engage in highly active online discourse. Yet as diverse as this discourse may be, political content remains highly regulated, particularly on issues that affect the legitimacy of the ruling party. A prominent issue in this regard has been modern Chinese history, particularly the "national humiliation" that Japan inflicted on China's populace during events like the 1937 Nanjing Massacre. This article asks...
A pesar de que la violencia política desatada por Sendero Luminoso y el Movimiento Revolucionario Túpac Amaru contra el Estado Peruano (1980-2000) marcó profundamente nuestra historia, las políticas públicas de memoria y conmemoración de estos años son aún incipientes. No sorprende que la concreción de un proyecto estatal como el Lugar de la Memoria, la Tolerancia y la Inclusión Social (LUM) en Lima, capital de la República peruana, tuviera que responder a distintos retos, políticos,...
This essay looks at the historical background of compensation payments, then considers the impact of World War II on reparations programs, the intellectual criteria for compensation developed by international bodies during the second half of the 20th century, and examples of state-level compensation after 1975 to individuals who were harmed by state actions. It concludes by considering the documents required to prove identity and prove the harm that gives rise to the right to compensation.
Resumen La impunidad de las violaciones de derechos humanos cometidas en el marco de la actividad empresarial ha sido motivo de preocupación para numerosos organismos internacionales en los últimos decenios. Desde las recomendaciones de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos, organismo pionero en esta preocupación, han sido numerosos los instrumentos internacionales que se han elaborado sobre el tema. Pero son los Principios rectores sobre las empresas y los...