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Charges of spying and corruption spark call for internal parliamentary probe.
The European Parliament adopted on Wednesday (24 April) the European Health Data Space Regulation, a key step for Europe's digital healthcare that should facilitate access to cross-border medical data.
Since its inception, the project of international criminal justice has been marked by a striking indifference to the long historical record of atrocities perpetrated by the Western world against people of the Global South, and Africa in particular.
As one of the largest ‘training’ datasets has been found to contain child sexual abuse material, can bans on creating such imagery be feasible?
Last week, the EU Parliament voted to pass amendments to Eurodac, previously a fingerprints database, along with a new Migration Pact to boost border security.
The global winners in the World Press Photo annual competition have been announced, with Mohammed Salem winning world press photo of the year. The winning photographs in the Word Press Photo 2024 competition are selected representations of the human adventure. Photographers have endeavoured to capture striking images, often linked to human rights issues such as women's rights, children's rights, migration, civil rights, decolonization, indigenous matters, wars and the impact of climate change.
The bombing and shelling of cities and towns during armed conflict has devastating consequences for cultural heritage and civilians.
The bombing and shelling of cities and towns during armed conflict has devastating consequences for cultural heritage and civilians.
The bombing and shelling of cities and towns during armed conflict has devastating consequences for cultural heritage and civilians.
The European Data Protection Board opposed Meta's controversial "pay or okay" business model in an opinion published on Wednesday (17 April), saying this binary approach was not compliant with the EU's data privacy rules.
Historian Robin Blackburn has completed a trilogy of books that provide a comprehensive Marxist account of slavery in the New World. He spoke to Jacobin about the intimate links between the slave systems in the Americas and the origins of capitalism.
In a landmark decision, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ruled that climate change violates the right to respect for one’s private and family life.
Pour la première fois, la Cour européenne des droits de l'Homme (CEDH) s'est prononcée sur une question liée à la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique dans trois affaires distinctes. Résultat de ces audiences : une victoire mais aussi deux rejets emblématiques.
En una decisión histórica, el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos (TEDH) ha dictaminado hoy que el cambio climático viola el derecho al respeto de la vida privada y familiar.
Coordonnée par le HCDH, la Carte de la mémoire des Roms dans les Amériques est une initiative participative qui a pour but de reconnaître et mettre à l’honneur les sites de mémoire de la communauté rom dans les Amériques, des États-Unis à l’Argentine. Ce projet s’appuie sur des efforts visant à renforcer les droits et l’intégration des Roms, à faire progresser la mémoire publique du peuple et de l’histoire roms et à lutter contre l’antitsiganisme, la forme spécifique de racisme à laquelle sont confrontés les Roms.
Coordinated by UN Human Rights, the Romani Memory Map for the Americas is a crowd-sourced initiative to recognize and honour sites of memory of the Romani community in the Americas, from the United States to Argentina. The project builds on efforts to strengthen Roma rights and inclusion, advance public memory of Roma people and history, and combat anti-gypsyism, the specific form of racism facing Roma.
In an increasingly globalised world, where multinational corporations wield unprecedented influence, the need for robust mechanisms to hold businesses accountable for human rights abuses has never been more pressing. The ethical responsibilities of businesses extend far beyond profit margins and shareholder interests
Le Conseil de l’Europe a exhorté vendredi ses 46 États membres à « lutter contre les poursuites abusives visant à réduire au silence les journalistes et autres observateurs critiques de la vie publique », dans un communiqué du Comité des ministres.
The Foundation for Polish-German Reconciliation has information on 1,200 cemeteries or memorial sites where the remains of Polish citizens rest.
Report claims posts on abortion and contraception have been deleted while misinformation on the feeds of social media users in Africa, Latin America and Asia has not been tackled
Resource type
Publication year
Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2020 and 2025
- 2024 (20)
Between 2020 and 2025
Online resource
- yes (20)