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Countries spy to overcome an information deficit. But we now live in a world of information super-abundance.
Families say they were promised details of relatives’ whereabouts after contacting people they thought were linked to NGO in Spain
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is a court of last resort, stepping in only when national authorities are unwilling or unable to do so. This is a key legal pillar known as the principle of complementarity. But because the ICC can only take on a few cases in a particular situation, comprehensive justice will invariably mean that the ICC and national authorities will need to work closely together.
La Cour pénale internationale (CPI) est une juridiction de dernier recours, qui n’intervient que lorsque les autorités judiciaires nationales ne veulent ou ne peuvent pas se saisir d’une affaire. Il s’agit d’un pilier juridique connu sous le nom de principe de complémentarité. Mais comme la CPI ne peut traiter que quelques affaires dans une situation particulière, la quête d’une justice exhaustive signifie invariablement que la CPI et les autorités nationales doivent travailler en étroite collaboration.
La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) es un tribunal de última instancia, que interviene únicamente cuando las autoridades nacionales no tienen la disposición o la capacidad para hacerlo. Este es un pilar jurídico fundamental que se conoce como principio de complementariedad. Sin embargo, la CPI solo puede tomar unos pocos casos en una situación determinada, por lo tanto, para que haya justicia integral será siempre necesario que la CPI y las autoridades nacionales trabajen en colaboración estrecha.
En las audiencias de país de la CIDH, se discutieron diversas temáticas. Sobre Chile, se trataron los derechos de las personas sordas; respecto a Colombia, el reclutamiento forzado de niñas, niños y adolescentes indígenas y reparación de víctimas del conflicto; acerca de Cuba, derechos de quienes participan en misiones médicas y libertad de asociación; relativo a Ecuador, justicia indígena; con relación a Estados Unidos, impactos de la explotación del uranio en pueblos indígenas; en cuanto a...
We look at data protection issues, including the regulation concerning the detection and removal of online child sexual abuse material, as well as Frontex’s handling of migrants’ data, and the recent news regarding the European Commission's violation of data protection rules in its use of Microsoft.
EU institutions struck a deal on the European Health Data Space, having finally landed an agreement on the thorny issue of opt-out for secondary use of health data.
Brexit supporters’ frequent targeting of European Union (EU) movers, especially those from Central and Eastern Europe, has been popularly assumed as at odds with the EU project’s foundations based on equality and inclusion. This book dispels that notion. By interrogating the history, wording, omissions, assumptions and applications of laws, policies and discourses pertinent to mobility and equality
The European Parliament has voted overwhelmingly in favour of the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), a landmark legislation to protect journalists and media freedom, though concerns remain over the use of spyware to monitor media.
This volume is both a study of the history of Polish Jews and Jewish Poland before, during, and immediately after the Holocaust and a collection of personal explorations focusing on the historians who write about these subjects.
En América Latina, y en un contexto que consideran adverso, se abren paso las propuestas de periodismo feminista: "contra el 'statu quo', que es el patriarcado", explican.
Over half of global industrial greenhouse gas emissions from 1988 to 2015 can be traced back to some 25 fossil fuel companies, while the richest one per cent spew as much emissions as the poorest 66 per cent. These are some of the findings from the UN’s top expert on human rights and the environment’s latest report to the Human Rights Council.
Would it be better to keep your personal data in one place, rather than entering it into hundreds of websites?
Throughout history, women have played pivotal roles in shaping the political, economic, scientific and cultural landscapes of societies worldwide despite tremendous obstacles. However, they remain largely underrepresented in the archives. This month of International Women's Day, UNESCO highlights their achievements in the documentary heritage inscriptions of Asia and Africa.
Artificial intelligence, deepfakes, social media, and misinformation have become integral parts of our daily lives, and their influence on political elections, possibly including the upcoming EU elections in June, is significant.
Le Ghana, qui vient d'adopter un projet de loi répressif contre l'homosexualité, rejoint le banc des pays africains décidés à renforcer leur arsenal juridique à l’encontre des personnes LGBT+. Sur le continent, 31 pays criminalisent les relations sexuelles entre personnes de même sexe.
Governments said to be ‘dragging their feet’ in handing over evidence relating to death of Dag Hammarskjöld
With the rise of big data and surveillance capitalism, our privacy is increasingly under threat. But discussions of how to protect privacy are often derailed by disagreements over what exactly it is. In this book, Kieron O'Hara sets out to demystify privacy. He reveals that much of the conflict around it results from taking different perspectives that veil key assumptions and disguise points of agreement.
Irreparable Evil explores the legacy of slavery and its moral and political implications, offering a nuanced intervention into debates over reparations
Resource type
- Audio Recording (1)
- Blog Post (1)
- Book (11)
- Journal Article (2)
- Newspaper Article (16)
- Video Recording (1)
Publication year
- Between 2000 and 2025 (32)
Online resource
- yes (32)