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Former Liberian warlord Prince Johnson, a key player in the country's back-to-back civil wars from 1989 to 2003, died Thursday aged 72, officials from his party and the Senate told AFP. Johnson, who was seen sipping beer in a video as fighters loyal to him tortured then president Samuel Doe to death in 1990, was […]
Le 12 novembre, le Parlement norvégien a présenté ses excuses aux Samis, Kvens, Finlandais norvégiens et Finlandais de la Forêt pour sa « politique de norvégianisation » dans le passé. Il a également donné suite au rapport et aux recommandations de la Commission vérité et réconciliation. Trois spécialistes expliquent ce qui ressort de ce rendez-vous longtemps attendu.
On November 12, the Norwegian Parliament apologized to the Sami, Kven, Norwegian Finns and Forrest Finns for its “Norwegianization politics” in the past. It also acted on the report and recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Three scholars explain what came out of this long-awaited reckoning.
French President Emmanuel Macron acknowledged that the 1944 killing of West African soldiers in a Senegalese fishing village by French forces was a massacre for the first time. The soldiers had fought alongside the French during World War II, but were killed by their French counterparts in what historians believe was a dispute over unpaid wages.
French President Emmanuel Macron acknowledged that the 1944 killing of West African soldiers in a Senegalese fishing village by French forces was a massacre for the first time. The soldiers had fought alongside the French during World War II, but were killed by their French counterparts in what historians believe was a dispute over unpaid wages.
Le président français Emmanuel Macron a reconnu jeudi que les forces coloniales françaises avaient commis un « massacre » contre des tirailleurs africains en 1944 près de Dakar, a indiqué le président sénégalais Bassirou Diomaye Faye qui a salué un « pas important » vers la vérité dans un entretien avec l’AFP
Le président français Emmanuel Macron a reconnu jeudi que les forces coloniales françaises avaient commis un « massacre » contre des tirailleurs africains en 1944 près de Dakar, a indiqué le président sénégalais Bassirou Diomaye Faye qui a salué un « pas important » vers la vérité dans un entretien avec l’AFP
Bill passes amid warning that process has been rushed and that a ban could push teenagers towards the dark web or into isolation
Fatou Bensouda says she and her family were subjected to ‘direct threats’ while working on the most sensitive cases
The International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor’s request for an arrest warrant for Myanmar military commander-in-chief, Sr. Gen. Min Aung Hlaing, for alleged crimes against humanity is a major step towards justice for the country’s Rohingya population
In a portrait from 1928, a Puerto Rican woman holds a devotional painting of the Virgin Mary and child. The work by Miguel Pou y Becerra is titled La promesa. The author mentions a feeling of the broken promise of salvation through Catholicism, forced upon Puerto Rico during Spain’s colonization of the island. At the Rollins Museum of Art in Orlando, Florida (on view through January 5)
Rollins Museum of Art in Orlando, Florida (on view through January 5)
LONDON (AP) — The United Kingdom Supreme Court on Tuesday began hearing a legal challenge focusing on the definition of “woman” in a long-running dispute between a women's right campaign group and the Scottish government. Five...
A simple workers’ strike led to the death of thousands as American fruit growers attempted to keep prices low with a looming Depression on the horizon.
Selon un nouveau rapport de l’ONU, publié ce lundi 25 novembre, 85.000 femmes ont été tuées de manière intentionnelle en 2023 et le domicile reste « l’endroit le plus dangereux » pour elles, puisque 60 % ont été tuées par « leur conjoint ou d’autres membres de leur famille ». |
Exclusive: News of changes to usually non-editable document ‘risks placing climate summit in jeopardy'
Responsible for creating the Conflict Aftermath Digital Archive Project (CADAP), Nathaniel Brunt is working with librarians and historians to ethically preserve and make accessible at-risk, conflict-related visual material.
En Colombie, six anciens chefs des FARC ont été inculpés pour avoir participé à l'enrôlement d'enfants soldats. Suite à l'annonce de la Juridiction spéciale pour la paix (JEP), ils ont fait savoir qu'ils acceptaient les charges retenues contre eux.
In Colombia, six former FARC leaders have been charged with participating in the recruitment of child soldiers. Following the announcement by the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), they indicated that they accepted the charges against them.
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- Blog Post (1)
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- Newspaper Article (44)
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Publication year
Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2020 and 2025
- 2024 (50)
Between 2020 and 2025
- Unknown (7)
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- yes (57)