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La Comisión de Relaciones Humanas del condado de Los Ángeles publicó sus observaciones sobre los delitos de odio reportados en 2022. Desde 1980 se realiza este reporte detallado con datos compilados por numerosas agencias de seguridad, instituciones educativas y organizaciones comunitarias.
Ukraine commemorated the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor, or death by hunger, when millions starved to death in Europe's breadbasket after Stalin ordered the seizure of farmers' crops and food. This film is based on a Canadian reporter's unauthorised truth-telling trip through the starving Soviet heartland. It's interwoven with the story of a Ukrainian prisoner of war from Russia's invasion.
Music icon Buffy Sainte-Marie’s claims to Indigenous ancestry are being called into question by family members and a Fifth Estate investigation that includes genealogical documentation, historical research and personal accounts. The Fifth Estate examines the harms of “pretendians” — those faking Indigenous heritage.
The European Commission has opened an investigation into X, Elon Musk's social media platform formerly known as Twitter. The move comes after Brussels ordered X, as well as rivals Meta and TikTok, to act quickly to tackle the spread of disinformation, which has surged on each of these platforms since Hamas's deadly attack on Israel.
Dans les communautés de la Colombie-Britannique, des gardiennes et gardiens du savoir s’appuient sur les archives pour façonner une histoire plus inclusive à l’échelle locale.
In community archives across British Columbia, local knowledge keepers are hand-fashioning a more inclusive history.
Nobel Laureate and legendary Filipino-American investigative journalist Maria Ressa has been on the frontlines of the fight for democracy for decades. Ressa knows very well what happens when democracy is eroded and disinformation is rampant. And she knows how not to let it become routine and numbing. And just last week she was acquitted of a contrived tax evasion charge by a court in the Philippines. It's the latest victory, not just for Maria Ressa herself, but for her country's fight for press freedom.
Le roman graphique “Femme, vie, liberté”, conçu sous la direction de Marjane Satrapi, sort en librairie ce jeudi 14 septembre. Un an après la mort de Mahsa Amini, l’ouvrage raconte l’année de révolution que vient de vivre l’Iran. Pour la dessinatrice Bahareh Akrami, que nous avons rencontrée, il est crucial de ne pas laisser ce combat tomber dans l’oubli.
Souvent réduites à un statut de victime ou instrumentalisées dans des discours de propagande, les femmes afghanes ont rarement l’occasion de s’exprimer en leur nom. Ce documentaire donne la parole à plusieurs femmes, âgées de 17 à 70 ans, issues de la ville, de la campagne, ou vivant en exil. Elles livrent leur récit intime mais aussi leur lecture des évènements qui jalonnent l’histoire afghane.
Dirigido a una amplia audiencia, este vídeo explica el funcionamiento del Tribunal, recuerda los desafíos a los que se enfrenta y demuestra el alcance de su actividad a través de ejemplos jurisprudenciales.
Pocos meses luego del golpe de Estado con el que Augusto Pinochet derrocó al gobierno de Salvador Allende en Chile, un equipo del programa Panorama de la BBC viajó al país para registrar la situación del país. Este valioso material histórico tomado del archivo de la BBC refleja la realidad chilena en los inicios de la dictadura militar, que luego se extendería 17 años, dejando más de 40.000 víctimas, entre ellas, 3.000 muertos y desaparecidos.
Los archivos de la Comisión de la Verdad de Colombia: Desafíos y Logros. Mauricio Katz y Catherine Romero presentarán la historia de cómo se cerraron y se entregaron los archivos de la Comisión de la Verdad de Colombia. Esto con la intención de informarle al público dónde se encuentran hoy los archivos para su consulta, investigación, apropiación y otros usos como parte de una primera medida de reparación individual y colectiva del derecho a la verdad y no repetición que heredó la Comisión...
Faded Communist Party signs, chipped kitchenware, and political speeches on a dusty record player are on display at Evgeni Mladenov's newly opened communism museum in the Bulgarian mountain village of Banite. The time capsule brings visitors back to the 1980s and immerses them in the Cold War past.
On the third anniversary of a disputed presidential vote in Belarus, opposition activists demanded justice for protesters jailed and beaten in a brutal crackdown.
Divisions between the Kosovan ethnic Serb minority and ethnic Albanians resurface bringing violent clashes with Nato forces. Is a full-fledged conflict a possibility? What led to this and what are the consequences? Monica Pinna went to Northern Kosovo to find out.
Speaking on the newly formed Residential School Documents Advisory Committee on Wednesday, Canada’s Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations Marc Miller revealed that 13 federal departments and agencies have identified approximately 23 million “potentially relevant” documents in relation to the abuse suffered by Indigenous children in residential schools between the early 1800s and late 1900s.
Moscow has been accused of abducting and forcibly deporting more than 19,000 Ukrainian children. In what could amount to the most horrific war crimes committed to date, the Russian state is allegedly attempting to turn a generation of Ukrainian children into Russians.
La romancière américaine à succès Elizabeth Gilbert a fait une annonce inattendue : elle suspend jusqu’à nouvel ordre la publication de son prochain roman, “The Snow Forest”. Elle évoque un torrent de réactions indignées de “ses lecteurs ukrainiens”, qui critiquent son choix d’avoir écrit un livre dont l’intrigue se déroule en Russie.
À Dakar, les étudiants de l'université Cheick Anta Diop sont en colère. La semaine dernière, des bâtiments ont été incendiés et des milliers de documents administratifs sont partis en fumée après des manifestations en faveur de l'opposant Ousmane Sonko. Pour certains étudiants, impossible désormais de faire certifier leurs diplômes.
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