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Justice Willis P. Whichard is welcoming David Ferriero for a conversation about Ferriero’s transformational leadership of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and their shared interests in history, libraries, and democracy - Durham Arts Council, Sunday, January 28, 2024 - 3 - 5:30pm EST
Conférence « présentation de l’ouvrage archives et droits humains à la mémoire de Louis Joinet » le mardi 30 janvier 2024, 10 h-12 h. Site de paris – hôtel de…
This project will digitize the REMHI collection, which documents the human rights violations resulting from armed conflict in Guatemala from 1973 into the 1990s.
A survey of organizational Archives in Colombia to preserve history of human rights activism and document crimes against humanity.
The collection of Bishop Nirmal Minz in Jharkhand, India illuminates the struggle for justice, dignity, and human rights through the voices of marginalized writers.
Data are playing an increasingly important role in shaping patterns and trajectories of development. Data can be a powerful tool for challenging societal harms but can also reflect and reinforce existing relationships of power. Proposals to be submitted by 23 January 2024. Hybrid conference to be held at University of London 26-28 June 2024.
La journée d’étude organisée par la Section des archivistes des administrations centrales et des opérateurs de l’État se propose de se pencher sur ce qu’archiver en temps de guerre recouvre à différentes époques, sur différents continents. La journée d'étude se déroule le 26 janvier 2024, à Roubaix, aux Archives nationales du monde du travail
Climate change is one of the greatest contemporary threats to archives. This online course will run 5 August – 9 August, 2024. The tuition cost is $1,200.00
Politics of Libraries VI (PoL VI) seeks to generate a thoughtful discussion on solidarity between information workers. Some of the themes are: academic freedom, white supremacy, heteronormative patriarchy, and ableism in the GLAM sector. This is a virtual conference taking place from 5 April to 24 May, 2024 on Fridays at 12pm MST
El Consejo Internacional de Archivos (ICA) ha tenido conocimiento del bombardeo del edificio de los Archivos Centrales de Gaza y de la biblioteca pública principal, que ha provocado la destrucción de documentos históricos que datan de hace 100 años.
Le Conseil International des Archives (ICA) a été informé de l'annonce du bombardement du bâtiment des archives centrales de Gaza et de la principale bibliothèque publique, qui a entraîné la destruction de documents historiques datant d'une centaine d'années.
The International Council on Archives (ICA) has learnt of the reported bombing of the Central Archives building in Gaza and the main public library, resulting in the destruction of historical documents dating back 100 years.
Ten years after Nelson Mandela passing away. The thought-provoking Mandela is Dead exhibition curated by Kneo Mokgopa celebrates, as well as challenges, the legacy of a great Human Rights Activist and South Africa’s first democratically elected president - Exhibition launched 30th of November 2023 at the Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory in Houghton South Africa
Data is everywhere, and the humanitarian sector is no exception. As humanitarians, we want decision-making to be ‘data-driven’ or ‘evidence-based’. However, this opportunity also presents a risk of misguided analysis supporting misguided response.
The contempt cases may assist the Kosovo Specialist Chambers Special Prosecutor's Office and the judges in carrying out their mandates and building the judicial record.
The UN Syria Commission of Inquiry welcomesd a landmark order by the International Court of Justice in The Hague binding the Syrian Arab Republic to take all measures within its power to prevent acts of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and ensure that its officials - as well as any organizations or persons under its control, direction or influence - do not commit any such acts.
IOM has signed a cooperation agreement with the Office of the Prime Minister of Ethiopia’s National Identification Program (NIDP) to facilitate access to identification documents for vulnerable migrant returnees, displaced persons and affected communities as a prerequisite for global mobility and development.
‘Women in Revolt!’ puts feminist art from 1970 – 1990 under the spotlight at Tate Britain - Until 2024-04-07 at Tate Britain, London
In a world increasingly driven by information, the role of ‘data’ and ‘statistics’ is guiding decisions, including on population and sustainable development. In Asia and the Pacific, home to 60 per cent of the global population, data are an important foundation of informed policymaking. But does data drive policy development by shedding light on where disparities exist or where progress is slow? Or does a focus on data drive us to prioritize only those issues that can be measured and quantified?
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