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"We are targeting those carrying out information manipulation and interference as part of a broader hybrid campaign by Russia against the EU and the member states," EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said
Muchos países europeos no hacen justicia a los supervivientes de abusos sexuales a menores, según un informe publicado el jueves.
Migration needs to be approached as a form of reparation by countries and businesses that have historically contributed most to the problem we face today.
The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) has developed this bibliometric analysis of existing literature at the nexus of work on climate change, human mobility, and human rights.
La discriminación racial y el sexismo sistémicos en los sistemas de salud del continente elevan los riesgos de las mujeres afrodescendientes cuando se embarazan, revela un nuevo informe de la ONU. El maltrato a las mujeres afrodescendientes a la hora de recibir atención médica puede incluir abuso verbal y físico, negación de atención de calidad y rechazo al alivio del dolor, detalla.
Les femmes et les filles d'ascendance africaine sont confrontées à un schéma systémique et historique de violences racistes dans le secteur de la santé dans la région des Amériques, les exposant à un risque accru de décès pendant l'accouchement, a déclaré mercredi l'agence de santé sexuelle et reproductive des Nations Unies, l’UNFPA.
Women and girls of African descent face a “systemic and historical pattern” of racial abuse in the health sector in countries across the world, leaving them at increased risk of death during childbirth, the UN’s sexual and reproductive health agency said on Wednesday. |
Over 122 million more people are facing hunger in the world since 2019 due to the pandemic and repeated weather shocks and conflicts, including the war in Ukraine, according to the latest State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report published today jointly by five United Nations specialized agencies.
Ce rapport présente les éléments de preuve les plus récents sur la répression féroce frappant les DDH qui luttent contre la corruption en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre, une région où de tels faits sont rarement signalés et qui est marquée par une culture d’impunité et par un non-respect de l’obligation de rendre des comptes en cas de violations des droits humains. Il porte sur 19 pays dont s’occupe le bureau régional d’Amnesty International pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre, et...
West and Central African states must stop persecuting human rights defenders who expose corruption, bribery and abuse of office, and instead take concrete and effective measures to protect and support them, Amnesty International said today, in observing African Anti-Corruption Day. Today marks the 20th anniversary of the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption.
Este informe presenta un nuevo conjunto de datos sobre la grave represión que sufren los defensores y defensoras de los derechos humanos que combaten la corrupción en África occidental y central, una región donde la mayoría de los casos de este tipo no se denuncian y que se caracteriza por una cultura de impunidad y ausencia de rendición de cuentas por las violaciones de derechos humanos. En el documento se examinan los 19 países sobre los que trabaja la Oficina Regional para el África...
Las organizaciones de tráfico de migrantes están usando plataformas como TikTok y Youtube para promocionar sus servicios.
Environment and health groups are pushing for more robust measures to protect EU citizens’ fundamental right to health and clean air, in a joint letter sent to MEPs on Thursday.
Le gouvernement néerlandais a décidé jeudi de suivre les recommandations d'une commission nommée l'an dernier proposant la restitution de 478 objets de l'époque coloniale à l'Indonésie et au Sri Lanka.
Yazidi groups are still looking for thousands of women and children who were enslaved.
Les savoirs écologiques traditionnels (SET) n’ont plus à prouver leur efficacité concernant par exemple la gestion des ressources naturelles ou la diplomatie climatique.
In recent years, the global landscape for human rights defenders (HRDs) has become more difficult and complex, with both new and heightened challenges. With hundreds of defenders killed every year, the scale and magnitude of threats faced by HRDs is unprecedented.
On 28 and 29 June, community members, popular formations and civil society organisations from across the African continent gathered in Johannesburg to participate in the African Regional Indaba on the UN Binding Treaty on Transnational Corporations and Human Rights.
The UN’s top expert on the human rights of migrants warned that countries are increasingly adopting anti-immigration practices that heighten deadly risks for migrants, just days after catastrophic sinkings in the Mediterranean.
For more than 80 years the identities of three girls captured in an iconic photograph were unknown.
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