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Palantir, the US spy-tech firm co-founded by the billionaire Peter Thiel, has won a contract to handle NHS data. It’s a deal that has left privacy advocates with serious questions
This podcast talk about a letter dated 23 April 1945, from a man called Hans Frölicher to the Swiss Minister of Foreign Affairs. Hans Frölicher was the Swiss ambassador to Germany during World War II. The official letter starts: ”I have the honour to enclose a copy of a communication that was secretly delivered to the Consulate General in Munich/Rottach-Egern."
It can be incredibly frustrating trying to get access to historical records in Canada. There are often lengthy delays and confusing inconsistency. That’s in large part because Canada’s historical records are tied up in our access to information system, which has a lot of problems.
Host Brian Stelter joins Naomi Klein to discuss how right-wing podcasters helped create “a parallel reality,” and the challenges of understanding what’s happening on the ground in Israel and Gaza as an information war plays out alongside the carnage.
Attempts to restrict what kids in school can read are on the rise. But American book banning started with the Puritans, 140 years before the United States.
Il y a cinquante ans, le mouvement indépendantiste bissau-guinéen, le PAIGC proclamait unilatéralement l'indépendance du pays. Des archives méconnues de la radio Liberté, surnommée à l’époque « la voix du PAIGC » permettent de revenir sur cet épisode.
Hace 10 años, la sentencia 168/13 le quitó la nacionalidad a cientos de miles de personas de ascendencia haitiana en República Dominicana. Hoy, la mayoría sigue en un limbo legal, sin posibilidades de regularizar su situación y en un clima de creciente persecución. Para entender este complejo escenario, conversamos con la corresponsal de Telesur Deisy Toussaint. Ella perdió su nacionalidad durante años por políticas anti-haitianas que preceden a la sentencia. Luego, la periodista Hogla...
In its 75 years, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has helped many find justice -- either by changing laws or providing opportunities for people to claim their rights. But there are still places where accessing justice is difficult or impossible for those seeking it. In this episode, we hear from those who continue to uphold the promise of the Declaration.
La célèbre journaliste est décédée hier (31 juillet 2023) à l’âge de 70 ans et il n’est pas un média qui ne lui rende hommage aujourd’hui. Liliane Pierre-Paul avait consacré sa vie au journalisme, dénonçant sans cesse la corruption et les dérives de certains dirigeants.
Victoria Amelina was an award-winning novelist. But after Russian forces invaded Ukraine, she began investigating war crimes
Noam Chomsky in a new interview on economist Tyler Cowen's podcast Conversations with Tyler. 'That’s what we’re facing. We know answers, at least possible answers to all of the problems that face us. Open Culture,
Why your understanding of who migrates (and why) might be wrong.
Alors que le retour du patrimoine africain sur le continent s'impose progressivement à l'Europe, l'autrice franco-finlandaise Taina Tervonen est partie entre la France et le Sénégal, sur les traces d'un fascinant trésor.
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