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Helga Schultz reconsidera la RDA y su forma nacional desde un punto de vista germano-oriental. Entiende la RDA como un intento de construir una peculiar nación socialista alemana, pero laimposibilidad de alcanzar esta aspiración es examinada junto con la sorprendente división entre ambas partes de la nueva Alemania «unida» y la nueva eínicizaci¿n de los alemanes del Este. El articulo revisa también la «sociedad obrera» socialista, como producto del socialismo real.
Autoría: Antonio González Quintana. Localización: Boletín de la ANABAD. Nº 3, 1999. Artículo de Revista en Dialnet.
The purposes of this paper are, first of all, to describe how the Khmer Rouge documented the genocide they committed against their fellow Cambodians, with particular emphasis on the records created, used, and stored at the Tuol Sleng Incarceration Centre; secondly, to describe the bureaucracy the Khmer Rouge created that supported their documentation activities; thirdly, to suggest some reasons why they documented their activities so extensively; and finally, to describe the disposition of...
This extended think-piece begins by exploring the late twentieth-century philosophical trend of postmodernism, and what its fragmented, decontextualized world-view means for archives. Such a position, as taken up by some historians, posits the absence of coherence, the death of grand historical narratives, and the supremacy of relativity. Consideration of the postmodern serves as a jumping-off point for an exploration of the nature of records, and the mission of the archival profession to...
The idea of archives as collective memory is sometimes employed as a metaphor for discussing the social and cultural role of archives. It is argued here that the idea is more than a metaphor and is supported by theories that would view collections of documents and material artifacts as means of extending the temporal and spatial range of communication. Archives, along with other communicational resources such as oral and ritual tradition, help to transfer information--and thereby sustain...
Das Staatsarchiv von Haiti. Verschleuderung der Archivbestànde, keinerlei Fachgesetzgebung vor 1860, dann unzurei-chende Durchfiihrungsbestimmungen, mehrfacher Wechsel des mit der Aufsicht betrauten Ministeriums und schliesslich Beschrànkung auf die Rolle eines Standesamts : das sind die vom Staatsarchiv von Haiti bis 1983 durchgemachten Widrigkeiteri. Seit diesem Zeitpunkt haben eine von Grund auf unternommene Neuorganisierung und die Einsetzung einer neuen Direktion die neuerliche...
This paper provides an analysis of the Indigenous human rights agenda and identifies its relevance to Australian archivists.1 Based on this analysis and exploration of how far existing archival programs address archives-related Indigenous human rights issues, it presents a road map and action agenda for realising Indigenous cultural rights in records and archives, and embedding Indigenous human rights in the professional responsibilities, culture and practices of the Australian archival and...
- References - Boel et al. (2021), Archives and Human Rights (83)
- References - Comma (2020 1-2), Archives and Human Rights (25)
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