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In this report, Amnesty International provides new information exposing the link between Myanma Economic Holdings Public Company Ltd (MEHL) and military units that are implicated in crimes under international law and other serious human rights violations. This information has implications for MEHL’s many foreign and local business partners. By doing business with the conglomerate, they […]
Ana Piquer, directrice du programme Amériques à Amnesty International, a déclaré : « Virginia Laparra n’aurait jamais dû passer un seul jour en prison. Nous nous réjouissons qu’elle puisse retrouver ses proches après avoir passé près de deux ans en détention comme prisonnière d’opinion. Sa libération marque un premier pas vers la fin des graves violations des droits humains qu’elle subit en représailles de son travail remarquable en tant que procureure anticorruption ».
Ana Piquer, Americas director at Amnesty International, said: “Virginia Laparra should never have spent a day in jail. It’s great news that she can be reunited with her loved ones after nearly two years as a prisoner of conscience. Her release is a first step towards ending the terrible human rights violations she has faced in retaliation for her outstanding work as an anti-corruption prosecutor.”
Les États des Amériques doivent se préoccuper de la réduction de l’espace civique dans la région et s’attacher à mettre un terme aux politiques répressives afin de répondre aux revendications sociales de la population du continent, a déclaré Amnesty International dans une lettre ouverte adressée aux chefs d’État participant à la 53e Assemblée générale de l’Organisation des États américains (OEA).
En réaction à la décision du Parlement européen d’interdire les technologies intrusives de surveillance de masse dans le cadre de la loi réglementant l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle (loi sur l’IA), Mher Hakobyan, conseiller en matière de plaidoyer sur la réglementation de l’intelligence artificielle à Amnesty International, a déclaré : « Nous saluons la décision du Parlement européen, qui a adopté une interdiction des technologies abusives de surveillance de masse lors du vote crucial de ce jour.
EU: European Parliament adopts ban on facial recognition but leaves migrants, refugees and asylum seekers at risk. Responding to the European Parliament’s decision to ban invasive mass surveillance technologies in its Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), Mher Hakobyan, Advocacy Advisor on AI Regulation said: “We welcome the European Parliament’s decision to adopt a ban on abusive mass surveillance technology in today’s landmark vote. However, it is essential the Parliament and EU Member...
The Maltese authorities’ decision to water down a version of a bill aimed at partially decriminalizing abortion in cases of grave risk to the life or health of pregnant people will endanger lives, Amnesty International said following the bills’ adoption by parliament.
Tatyana Kotlyar is being punished simply for helping hundreds of people, including migrants and refugees, by generously registering them at her home.
Une recrudescence des attaques contre les civils par des groupes armés non étatiques a entraîné le déplacement de près d’un million de personnes en République démocratique du Congo (RDC) depuis janvier, a annoncé jeudi l’Agence de l’ONU pour les migrations. |
Ahead of the court appearance of Sticks Nkambule, Secretary General of Swaziland Transport Communication and Allied Workers Union, on trumped-up charges of contempt of court stemming from his involvement in organizing a stay away action in December 2022, Vongai Chikwanda, Amnesty International’s Interim Deputy Director for Southern Africa, said: The harassment and intimidation of Sticks Nkambule shows that Eswatini authorities are effectively criminalizing peaceful dissent.
Il est très préoccupant de constater que la situation des réfugié·e·s afghans au Pakistan ne reçoit pas l'attention nécessaire au niveau international.
The United States and Indian governments must address the grave human rights issues in both countries during Prime Minister Modi’s meeting with President Biden in Washington DC, said Amnesty International ahead of the state visit this week.
The situation of Afghan refugees in Pakistan is not receiving due international attention.
Despite the Saudi authorities’ commitment to end their use of the death penalty against children under 18 at the time of the crime, seven young men are at risk of imminent execution after an appeals court confirmed their punishment, Amnesty International said today. Their execution would mark a chilling escalation of the already record-breaking use of the death penalty with the number of executions in the country having increased seven-fold in the past three years alone. “Saudi authorities...
The Clooney Foundation for Justice has filed a lawsuit in Argentina's federal courts.
As the consequences of the Kakhovka dam destruction continue to unfold, the occupying Russian forces have been endangering lives in flood-afflicted areas following the destruction of the dam, while upstream water shortages and an upheaval of livelihoods point to an impending ecological and economic disaster, Amnesty International said today.
Reacting to the violence that broke out yesterday in Dakar and other towns following the verdict in the trial of opposition leader Ousmane Sonko, Samira Daoud, Amnesty International’s Regional Director for West and Central Africa
Ce rapport présente les éléments de preuve les plus récents sur la répression féroce frappant les DDH qui luttent contre la corruption en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre, une région où de tels faits sont rarement signalés et qui est marquée par une culture d’impunité et par un non-respect de l’obligation de rendre des comptes en cas de violations des droits humains. Il porte sur 19 pays dont s’occupe le bureau régional d’Amnesty International pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre, et...
West and Central African states must stop persecuting human rights defenders who expose corruption, bribery and abuse of office, and instead take concrete and effective measures to protect and support them, Amnesty International said today, in observing African Anti-Corruption Day. Today marks the 20th anniversary of the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption.
Les autorités nigérianes doivent sans attendre prendre des mesures concrètes pour se préparer aux crues et en atténuer les conséquences potentielles.
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