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Les enfants sont parmi les personnes les plus vulnérables aux conséquences du changement climatique et des dégradations de l’environnement dans le monde.
UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has concluded that countries must urgently implement measures to address the damage and threat to children’s rights from climate change and environmental degradation.
It is deeply disturbing that the Ugandan authorities are prosecuting people based on their real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.
Lebanese authorities’ arrest and investigation of prominent comedian Nour Hajjar, solely in retaliation for his jokes, represents a new escalation in Lebanon’s crackdown on public criticism, the Coalition to Defend Freedom of Expression in Lebanon of which Amnesty International is a member, said today.
Venezuela. Le gouvernement continue à recourir aux détentions arbitraires comme outil de contrôle et de répression. Dans le nouveau rapport intitulé Vidas detenidas: Continúan las detenciones arbitrarias por motivos políticos en Venezuela, Amnesty International dénonce la persistance de la politique de répression mise en œuvre par le gouvernement de Nicolás Maduro.
Venezuela: Arbitrary detentions continue as a tool of government control and repression. In the new report, Life detained: Politically motivated arbitrary detentions continue in Venezuela Amnesty International denounces the Nicolás Maduro.
Sudan: War crimes rampant as civilians killed in both deliberate and indiscriminate attacks. Read the Report
Soudan. Généralisation des crimes de guerre avec des attaques aveugles et aussi délibérées contre la population civile – publication d’un nouveau rapport
An appeal hearing at a Moscow court on Tuesday (22 August) which has upheld the 13-year sentence imposed on Maksym Butkevych, a Ukrainian human rights defender, is a grave miscarriage of justice Amnesty International said today.
Dans ses nouvelles recherches, Amnesty International explique que les autorités iraniennes soumettent les familles des victimes à des arrestations et détentions arbitraires, restreignent indûment les rassemblements pacifiques sur les lieux d’inhumation et détruisent les pierres tombales.
In new research, Amnesty International details how the Iranian authorities have been subjecting victims’ families to arbitrary arrest and detention, imposing cruel restrictions on peaceful gatherings at grave sites, and destroying victims’ gravestones.
Resource type
- Newspaper Article (11)
Publication year
Between 2000 and 2025
Between 2020 and 2025
- 2023 (11)
Between 2020 and 2025
Online resource
- yes (11)