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Cambodian authorities cruelly uprooted families who have lived in Angkor for several generations.
Les autorités ont expulsé des habitant·e·s vers un site de réinstallation dépourvu de services essentiels.
Au moins 1,5 million d’habitant·e·s de la bande de Gaza ont subi un déplacement forcé à cause des attaques.
The world is watching in horror as more and more civilians lose their lives each day amid Israel’s relentless bombardment and ground operations.
Au moins 1,5 million d’habitant·e·s de la bande de Gaza ont subi un déplacement forcé à cause des attaques.
The world is watching in horror as more and more civilians lose their lives each day amid Israel’s relentless bombardment and ground operations.
Burundi’s 2016 law against gender-based violence was a milestone achievement, bringing improved protection. However, it falls short of regional and international best practice, and in some instances undermines rather reinforces the fight against gender-based violence. This briefing proposes how to strengthen protections, including through revisions of the law.
La Loi relative aux violences basées sur le genre adoptée au Burundi en 2016 a constitué une avancée majeure. Cependant, le texte de loi est encore en-deça des meilleures pratiques aux niveaux régional et international, et dans certains cas affaiblit plus qu’il ne renforce la lutte contre la violence liée au genre. Cette synthèse contient des propositions pour assurer une meilleure protection, y compris en modifiant la loi.
Responding to yesterday’s High Court acquittal of opposition leader, Jacob Ngarivhume, who was sentenced in April to 48 months imprisonment for leading protests against government corruption, Khanyo Farisè, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for Southern Africa, said: “His imprisonment is a travesty, and an affront to Zimbabwe’s constitution and the country’s international human rights obligations. No […]
Un rapport fait la démonstration que les forces de sécurité iraniennes ont recouru au viol et à d’autres formes de violences sexuelles afin d’intimider et de punir des manifestant·e·s.
A report demonstrates that security forces in Iran used rape and other forms of sexual violence, amounting to torture and other ill-treatment, to intimidate and punish peaceful protesters during the 2022 “Woman Life Freedom” uprising.
Our right to privacy and open information online is more at risk than ever before. Governments use spyware to target human rights defenders and block entire websites that talk about human rights. In fact, Amnesty’s websites are completely blocked to people living in countries like Russia, Iran and China.
A migrant is confronted by mass surveillance at a border crossing and is reminded of his uncertain future. Activists work to resist these systems.
Amnesty International publie le 5 février 2024 un exposé introductif sur le déploiement rapide et généralisé des technologies numériques dans les systèmes de gestion de l’asile et des migrations à travers le monde, notamment aux États-Unis, au Royaume-Uni et au sein de l’Union européenne.
Digital Services Act takes full effect in Europe
Compte tenu de l’inefficacité du système de justice la décision consternante du gouvernement signifie que de nombreux innocents risquent d’être exécutés.
Il est essentiel que les cibles de Pegasus sachent qui a acheté et utilisé ce logiciel espion contre elles afin de pouvoir demander réparation.
A near total communication blackout in Sudan following all network and internet shutdowns in early February poses serious risks to the coordination of emergency assistance and humanitarian services to millions of people caught up in the conflict.
Congo’s government wants to resume executions, after a hiatus of two decades, in a bid to combat armed groups and gang violence, Tigere Chagutah, Amnesty International’s Regional Director for East and Southern Africa, said:
A US district court has ordered Israeli spyware firm NSO Group to disclose documents and code related to its notorious Pegasus spyware, to WhatsApp.
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