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Saudi Arabia: Imminent execution of seven young men would violate kingdom’s promise to abolish death penalty for juveniles

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Saudi Arabia: Imminent execution of seven young men would violate kingdom’s promise to abolish death penalty for juveniles
Despite the Saudi authorities’ commitment to end their use of the death penalty against children under 18 at the time of the crime, seven young men are at risk of imminent execution after an appeals court confirmed their punishment, Amnesty International said today. Their execution would mark a chilling escalation of the already record-breaking use of the death penalty with the number of executions in the country having increased seven-fold in the past three years alone. “Saudi authorities have promised to limit the use of the death penalty and adopted legal reforms that prohibit the execution of people who were children at the time of the crime. If the authorities wish any of those promises to be taken seriously, they should order an immediate halt to the planned execution of the seven, who were all children at the time of their arrest,” said Heba Morayef, Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Director.
Amnesty International
Short Title
Saudi Arabia
20/06/2023, 19:08
Civil Rights
Saudi Arabia
Amnesty International. (2023, June 15). Saudi Arabia: Imminent execution of seven young men would violate kingdom’s promise to abolish death penalty for juveniles. Amnesty International. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/06/saudi-arabia-imminent-execution-of-youths-would-violate-kingdoms-promise-to-abolish-death-penalty-for-juveniles/