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Results 103 resources
Guerre d'Algérie ici, guerre de libération nationale là-bas, quelle que soit la manière dont on le nomme, ce conflit a été, dès son origine, l'objet d'interprétations divergentes. Des hommes politiques construisaient la guerre par les mots quand d'autres la niaient. Les sociétés algérienne et française ont hérité de ces affrontements. Depuis 1962, les historiens ont dû travailler au milieu des affects, des tensions et des désirs contradictoires exprimés à l'égard de ce passé complexe et...
Few thinkers have addressed the political horrors and ethical complexities of the twentieth century with the insight and passionate intellectual integrity of Hannah Arendt. She was irresistible drawn to the activity of understanding, in an effort to endow historic, political, and cultural events with meaning. Essays in Understanding assembles many of Arendt’s writings from the 1930s, 1940s, and into the 1950s. Included here are illuminating discussions of St. Augustine, existentialism,...
A compelling and shocking account? of a brutal campaign of repression in Latin America, based on interviews and previously secret documents (The Miami Herald). Throughout the 1970s, six Latin American governments, led by Chile, formed a military alliance called Operation Condor to carry out kidnappings, torture, and political assassinations across three continents. It was an early ?war on terror? initially encouraged by the CIA?which later backfired on the United States. Hailed...
Der Aufstand vom 17. Juni 1953 ist eines der Schlüsselereignisse in der deutsch-deutschen Geschichte. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes berichten über den Verlauf des Aufstands und stellen die Bezüge zum kommunistischen Machtbereich her. Die Vorgänge im Repressionsapparat, die Gefangenenbefreiungen am 17. Juni, die Entwicklung der Strafpraxis sowie der Ausbau des repressiven Instrumentariums nach der Erhebung bilden einen weiteren Schwerpunkt des Bandes. Abschließende Beiträge betrachten das...
Much of the intense current interest in collective memory concerns the politics of memory. In a book that asks, "Is there an ethics of memory?" Avishai Margalit addresses a separate, perhaps more pressing, set of concerns. The idea he pursues is that the past, connecting people to each other, makes possible the kinds of "thick" relations we can call truly ethical. Thick relations, he argues, are those that we have with family and friends, lovers and neighbors, our tribe and our nation--and...
Dans de nombreuses démocraties ayant récemment succédé à des régimes autoritaires, bourreaux et victimes continuent de coexister. La haine est toujours présente malgré la mise en place de processus de "réconciliation" par les gouvernements actuels en Amérique du Sud comme en Afrique du Sud. Des réparations et l'établissement de la vérité sur les crimes commis devaient pallier l'absence de poursuites judiciaires, des lois d'amnistie devaient également représenter une première étape vers le...
Unafraid to speak her mind and famously tenacious in her convictions, Eleanor Roosevelt was still mourning the death of FDR when she was asked by President Truman to lead a controversial commission, under the auspices of the newly formed United Nations, to forge the world’s first international bill of rights. A World Made New is the dramatic and inspiring story of the remarkable group of men and women from around the world who participated in this historic achievement and gave us the...
One of the most important political and ethical issues faced during a political transition from authoritarian or totalitarian to democratic rule is how to deal with legacies of repression. This book explores the important aspect of transitional politics, assessing how Portugal, Spain, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Germany after reunification, Russia, the Southern Cone of Latin America and Central America, as well as South Africa, have confronted legacies of repression.
In recent years, no modern democracy has taken more aggressive steps to come to terms with a legacy of dictatorship than has the Federal Republic of Germany with the crimes and injustices of Communist East Germany. In this book, A. James McAdams provides a comprehensive and engaging examination of the four most prominent instances of this policy: criminal trials for the killings at the Berlin Wall; the disqualification of administrative personnel for secret-police ties; parliamentary...
What does forgiveness mean when it appears in politics, and what is its relationship to other ideas in political philosophy? In Political Forgiveness, P. E. Digeser defends a conception of forgiveness against those who are skeptical of its desirability as a political idea. While much of the previous work on forgiveness reflects theological or psychological perspectives, Digeser offers a concept of political forgiveness that is secular and public rather than religious or personal. It centers...
De 1954 à 1962, au nom de la lutte contre la " subversion " du FLN, au nom du rattachement de l'Algérie à la France qui interdisait d'y appliquer le droit de la guerre et de considérer les nationalistes comme des combattants, la justice et son personnel prirent une part active à la guerre d'Algérie : instruction des affaires, condamnations par milliers infligées par les tribunaux correctionnels et militaires, rappel de magistrats sous les drapeaux, etc. Les seules condamnations à mort...
The Rape of Nanjing was one of the worst atrocities committed during World War II. On December 13, 1937, the Japanese army captured the city of Nanjing, then the capital of wartime China. According to the International Military Tribunal, during the ensuing massacre 20,000 Chinese men of military age were killed and approximately 20,000 cases of rape occurred; in all, the total number of people killed in and around the city of Nanjing was about 200,000. This carefully researched, intelligent...
The international community can creatively and aggressively address deadly conflict through mediation, arbitration, and the development of international institutions to promote reconciliation. The editors of this book designed a systematic framework with which contributors compare third party intervention in twelve conflicts of the postDCold War period. They examine the role of international organizations_the United Nations, international development banks, and international law...
Die »Tschekisten« der DDR hatten geschworen, die SED-Herrschaft unter Einsatz ihres Lebens zu verteidigen. Doch statt ein letzte Schlacht zu schlagen, zogen sie sich im Herbst 1989 eher kopflos zurück und stellten sich wenig später geduldig um ihre Entlastungspapiere an. Was war mit ihnen geschehen? Wie haben die Offiziere die Situation damals wahrgenommen, welche Taktiken entwickelten sie und welche Aufgabe war den offiziellen Mitarbeitern in der Bürgerrechtsbewegung zugedacht? Walter Süß...
Bassiouni, M. (1999). Crimes Against Humanity in International Criminal Law (1st edition). Springer.
In this revised edition, Professor Bassiouni persuasively establishes the legal validity of the Nuremberg Charter and describes the evolution of crimes against humanity' from 1945 to the 1998 ICC Statute. The book's comprehensive historical and legal analysis starts with the origins of this crime in the international regulation of armed conflicts and covers the Nuremberg, Tokyo and Allied Prosecutions after World War II, and subsequent national prosecutions, as well as the Statutes of the...
Resource type
- Book (94)
- Book Section (2)
- Document (1)
- Journal Article (3)
- Report (2)
- Thesis (1)
Publication year
Between 1800 and 1899
Between 1820 and 1829
- 1824 (1)
Between 1820 and 1829
Between 1900 and 1999
Between 1960 and 1969
- 1963 (1)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (2)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (22)
Between 1960 and 1969
- Between 2000 and 2025 (77)
Resource language
- English (59)
- French (13)
- German (16)
- Portuguese (7)
- Spanish (8)