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Inuit pride parades became a new tradition since 2021 and LGBTQ+ people say it's made a huge improvement in feeling accepted.
The Clooney Foundation for Justice has filed a lawsuit in Argentina's federal courts.
EU: European Parliament adopts ban on facial recognition but leaves migrants, refugees and asylum seekers at risk. Responding to the European Parliament’s decision to ban invasive mass surveillance technologies in its Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), Mher Hakobyan, Advocacy Advisor on AI Regulation said: “We welcome the European Parliament’s decision to adopt a ban on abusive mass surveillance technology in today’s landmark vote. However, it is essential the Parliament and EU Member...
En réaction à la décision du Parlement européen d’interdire les technologies intrusives de surveillance de masse dans le cadre de la loi réglementant l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle (loi sur l’IA), Mher Hakobyan, conseiller en matière de plaidoyer sur la réglementation de l’intelligence artificielle à Amnesty International, a déclaré : « Nous saluons la décision du Parlement européen, qui a adopté une interdiction des technologies abusives de surveillance de masse lors du vote crucial de ce jour.
La Clooney Foundation for Justice ha presentada una demanda penal hoy.
En respuesta a la decisión del Parlamento Europeo de prohibir las tecnologías de vigilancia masiva en su Ley de Inteligencia Artificial (Ley de IA), Mher Hakobyan, asesor para el trabajo de incidencia sobre la regulación de la inteligencia artificial, ha manifestado: “Acogemos con satisfacción la decisión del Parlamentos Europeo de prohibir las tecnologías de vigilancia masiva abusivas en la votación histórica de hoy. No obstante, es esencial que el Parlamento y los Estados miembros de la UE...
Jamais le nombre total de réfugiés fuyant leur pays ou de personnes déplacées à l’intérieur du leur pays n’avait atteint un tel niveau, a souligné le Haut-Commissariat pour les réfugiés de l’ONU, dans son rapport annuel.
Anahera Morehu has been appointed chief archivist at Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga Archives New Zealand. Morehu is the country’s first Māori and wāhine Māori to hold this statutory role in a permanent capacity. She is currently the acting chief archivist, seconded into the role in November 2022. Her substantive position was kaihautū for Archives NZ.
For the second year in a row, Cambodia failed to meet the “minimum standards” for combating human trafficking and was “not making significant efforts to do so,” the US government reported on Thursday.
Remains of 95 ancestors, including six toi moko or tattooed heads, brought home in a move Māori leaders described as ‘healing’.
France on Tuesday said it had uncovered a major Russian disinformation campaign, with false news items hostile to Ukraine made to look like they were published by prominent French news media.
In 1838, a group of America’s most prominent Catholic priests sold 272 enslaved people to save their largest mission project, what is now Georgetown University. Through the saga of the Mahoney family, professor Rachel L. Swarns illustrates how the Church relied on slave labor and slave sales to sustain its operations and to help finance its expansion.
L’Université Laval met à jour le lexique de son catalogue pour être plus respectueuse des peuples autochtones.
When US President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, he paved the way for the incarceration of Japanese Americans on the mainland and Hawaii
The full-scale war in Ukraine, alongside other conflict and climate-driven upheaval, meant more people than ever remained uprooted from their homes last year, heightening the urgency for immediate, collective action to alleviate the global crisis, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) said on Wednesday.
L'AAFB fait partie des dix organisations qui interpellent ce lundi 12 juin dans un communiqué sur les risques et les déficiences du projet de loi sur la transparence des autorités fédérales. Dans le communiqué conjoint ci-dessous, nous proposons six points pour une véritable transparence administrative au niveau fédéral, à l'avant-veille de la reprise des travaux en commission de l’Intérieur de la Chambre sur le projet de la ministre Verlinden.
New Yorkers who commit crimes could have their records automatically sealed if they stay out of trouble for a certain number of years after they have finished serving their sentences under a bill passed by state lawmakers Friday.
Data tracking biases against women has shown no progress over the past decade, with prejudices remaining "deeply embedded" in society despite rights campaigns such as MeToo, a UN report said Monday.
Les pays doivent s'attaquer au « grave préjudice mondial » causé par la prolifération de la haine et des mensonges en ligne, a déclaré lundi le Secrétaire général de l'ONU, António Guterres, lors du lancement d'un rapport clé conçu pour renforcer l'intégrité de l'information sur les plateformes numériques.
Countries must address the “grave global harm” caused by the proliferation of hate and lies online, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Monday, launching a key report designed to shore up information integrity on digital platforms.
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