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Cet ouvrage de 714 pages, intitulé La Plaine des Morts, se base sur treize années de recherches pour démontrer que Habré était personnellement impliqué dans les abus perpétrés lorsqu’il était au pouvoir de 1982 à 1990, essentiellement par le biais du contrôle étroit qu’il exerçait sur sa redoutée police politique, la Direction de la Documentation et de la Sécurité (DDS).
Beginning in 1946, the United States government immorally and unethically—and, arguably, illegally—engaged in research experiments in which more than 5000 uninformed and unconsenting Guatemalan people were intentionally infected with bacteria that cause sexually transmitted diseases. Many have been left untreated to the present day., Although US President Barack Obama apologized in 2010, and although the US Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues found the Guatemalan...
La sentencia que niega la nacionalidad a los descendientes de 'sin papeles' obvia un fallo de 2005 de la Corte Interamericana
La Comunidad del Caribe ha criticado el fallo y amenaza con no incorporar a República Dominicana como miembro pleno del grupo
Fourteen countries plan to compile an inventory of the harm caused by the slave trade and then demand an apology and reparations from the former colonial powers Britain, France and the Netherlands.
President Barack Obama’s endorsement of Senegal’sefforts to bring to book the former Chadiandictator Hissène Habré is a recognition of the case’s importance for African justice.
William Hague says payments totalling £19.9m represent 'full and final settlement' of action brought by five victims of torture
This essay argues that archival paradigms over the past 150 years have gone through four phases: from juridical legacy to cultural memory to societal engagement to community archiving. The archivist has been transformed, accordingly, from passive curator to active appraiser to societal mediator to community facilitator. The focus of archival thinking has moved from evidence to memory to identity and community, as the broader intellectual currents have changed from pre-modern to modern to...
The concept of “collective” or “social” memory has assumed increasing prominence in the discourse of archivists over the past few decades. Archives are frequently characterized as crucial institutions of social memory, and many professional activities are considered forms of memory preservation. We present a systematic examination of the relationships between archives and collective memory as articulated in the English-language archival literature. We first identify the major themes...
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