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La problemática relacionada con la función del Archivo como garante de derechos ha cobrado una gran relevancia social a partir de los reclamos relacionados con violaciones a los derechos humanos. En este trabajo se aborda el tema desde el análisis de
For better or for worse, heritage is a key terrain on which societal conflicts are expressed. Instead of treating conflict over heritage sites defensively, shielding them from attack, we can take proactive steps to offer heritage sites as resources for addressing contested social questions. This article explores strategies used around the world by ‘Sites of Conscience’– heritage sites that foster dialogue on contemporary issues – to help communities to confront the questions that divide them.
This paper examines the implications of the context of creation on the current and potential future uses of the records produced by the Comissao de Acolhimento, Verdade e Reconciliacao de Timor-Leste (Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation, or CAVR). Given that the CAVR relied heavily on the testimony of the East Timorese people in its investigations that addressed a 25-year period, this paper considers the nature of memory and the role it played in creating and shaping the CAVR...
Die DDR gibt es nicht mehr, aber im Gedächtnis lebt sie weiter, als Schreckensort einer Diktatur, in "ostalgischer" Verklärung und vor allem in Erinnerung an die Mühen um ein aufrechtes Leben in gedrückten Verhältnissen. Fünfzig Publizisten und Zeithistoriker präsentieren die wichtigsten Bezugspunkte der Erinnerung an ein untergegangenes Land.
A body of critical academic literature has characterized the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) as a nation-building enterprise with reconciliation as its core. Although this literature is especially influential within South African scholarship, the association of the TRC with reconciliation has become a far wider orthodoxy. An engagement with the full range of the TRC's hearings, its institutional practice and its seven-volume report demonstrates a more contested...
Ehemalige Mitarbeiter der Stasi wollen heutzutage nicht mehr genannt werden und berufen sich dazu auf ihr Persönlichkeitsrecht. Dem steht jedoch ein Aufklärungsinteresse entgegen. Ein Blick nach Osteuropa zeigt, dass in Deutschland breits einiges err
This Convention is the first binding international legal instrument to recognise a general right of access to official documents held by public authorities. Transparency of public authorities is a key feature of good governance and an indicator of whether or not a society is genuinely democratic and pluralist. The right of access to official documents is also essential to the self-development of people and to the exercise of fundamental human rights. It also strengthens public authorities’...
The road map for limiting the practice of universal justice in Spain is a sad reality. The Spanish Congress has just approved a proposal to reduce universal justice to cases where the people presumed responsible are on Spanish soil or there are Spanish victims, and either way, only when an international court or the country where the crime was committed are not
In 2006, Poland and Romania embarked on renewed lustration programmes. These late lustration policies expanded the scope and transparency measures associated with lustration as a form of transitional justice. While early lustration measures targeted political elites, late lustration policies include public and private sector positions, such as journalists, academics, business leaders, and others in ‘positions of public trust’. Given the legal controversy and moral complexity surrounding...
Despite their increased popularity in Latin America, Africa and Asia, truth commissions have remained an overlooked solution to coming to terms with the recent human rights abuses perpetrated in communist Europe. Since the start of the democratization process in the early 1990s, only Germany, the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and Romania have employed truth commissions as methods to reckon with communist crimes. These five commissions share important similarities and...
Pendant soixante-dix ans, la recherche sur le monde soviétique s’est élaborée sans possibilité de recours aux sources primaires. « Discipline » à mi-chemin entre l’histoire immédiate et la science politique, la soviétologie, comme on l’appelait alors, était privée de l’outil traditionnel de l’historien : les archives. De ce fait, elle était d’autant plus perméable aux présupposés idéologiques. Bien que leur ouverture soit encore partielle et inégale selon les pays, les archives du monde...
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