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‘Snare for Birds’ at Ateneo Art Gallery, Manila revisits imperial and colonial narratives from the American occupation of the Philippines / Snare for Birds: Rereading the Colonial Archive at Ateneo Art Gallery, Manila, through 17 February 2024
Au Portugal, les descendants des juifs portugais expulsés il y a plus de 500 ans du territoire peuvent obtenir la nationalité. Mais des scandales ont conduit à un durcissement des conditions. Une loi en ce sens a été votée vendredi 5 janvier 2024.
Chief Bill Cranmer was known for repatriating cultural objects, helping preserve 'Namgis culture, language. He died in his Alert Bay home on Wednesday at the age of 85.
The United Arab Emirates acknowledged it is conducting a mass trial of 84 inmates previously reported by dissidents.
The drug hydroxychloroquine was prescribed off-label during the pandemic and touted in particular by a prominent French researcher.
Cultural Objects and Reparative Justice provides a comprehensive legal and historical analysis surrounding a highly debated current question: Where should cultural objects that were removed without consent be located? This book follows an innovative, interdisciplinary approach based in law, history, art history, anthropology, and archaeology and proposes a paradigm for reparations.
Nuestro análisis anual sobre los derechos humanos en el mundo
Le procès qui s’ouvrira en Suisse le 8 janvier 2024, pour des crimes graves commis en Gambie, représente une avancée significative pour délivrer la justice aux victimes de graves abus.
The opening of a Swiss trial for serious crimes committed in The Gambia on January 8, 2024 represents a significant advance for justice for the victims of grave abuses.
Le siège de la Direction de la documentation et de la sécurité (DDS), police politique du régime d'Hissène Habré, a été démoli et ses archives mises en danger. La plus célèbre prison politique risque de connaitre le même sort, s'alarment les victimes.
It is almost impossible to avoid having a digital footprint. Social media, streaming websites, navigation applications, online shopping websites, and search engines generate a large amount of data about users' digital habits. Tech companies have used this data to “optimize” their products and allow them to better predict users' behaviors, but the collection and use of data has raised new questions about the right to digital privacy.
Evidence found by Hannah Durkin includes ships landing in Cuba in 1872, and people held in Benin in 1873.
Cabinet Office papers expose Thatcher’s anxiety over the famous book, and the difference between governing in the 1980s and the modern information age.
The prestigious New England Journal of Medicine publishes an introspection on centuries of unjust and racist medicine towards Indigenous People. The long list of prejudices evoked makes us realize that they are deeply rooted in Western societies.
Le prestigieux New England Journal of Medicine publie une introspection sur des siècles de médecine injuste et raciste envers les Autochtones. La longue liste des préjugés évoqués permet de réaliser qu’ils sont bien ancrés dans les sociétés occidentales.
Ana Piquer, directrice du programme Amériques à Amnesty International, a déclaré : « Virginia Laparra n’aurait jamais dû passer un seul jour en prison. Nous nous réjouissons qu’elle puisse retrouver ses proches après avoir passé près de deux ans en détention comme prisonnière d’opinion. Sa libération marque un premier pas vers la fin des graves violations des droits humains qu’elle subit en représailles de son travail remarquable en tant que procureure anticorruption ».
Ana Piquer, Americas director at Amnesty International, said: “Virginia Laparra should never have spent a day in jail. It’s great news that she can be reunited with her loved ones after nearly two years as a prisoner of conscience. Her release is a first step towards ending the terrible human rights violations she has faced in retaliation for her outstanding work as an anti-corruption prosecutor.”
Ana Piquer, directora para las Américas de Amnistía Internacional, declaró: “Virginia Laparra nunca debió pasar ni un día en la cárcel. Es una gran noticia que pueda reunirse de nuevo con sus seres queridos después de casi dos años de ser una presa de conciencia. Su liberación es un primer paso para poner fin a las terribles violaciones de derechos humanos que ha tenido que enfrentar como represalia por su destacado trabajo como fiscal anticorrupción.”
A record 89,000 women were intentionally killed in 2022, including more than 130 killed every day by a partner or relative. This is just one of the many forms of violence against women and girls that Costa Rica, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Antigua and Barbuda and Sierra Leone are hoping to tackle through a globally agreed framework.
With pivotal global elections approaching, experts warn of AI's capability to influence outcomes through the production of deceptive content, a phenomenon termed "botshit." There is an urgent need for measures to mitigate AI's negative effects on political discourse and the information landscape.
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