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Recent studies have increasingly argued that the Chinese leadership uses Japan’s imperialistic past as a tool for domestic and political bargaining. However, this argument fails to appreciate the embedded nature of negative memories within China. This article forwards an alternative argument by situating Japanese militaristic history within Chinese national identity. By examining a wide range of Chinese primary sources often underutilized by International Relations (IR) analysts, it moves...
Le 29 décembre 1990, très peu de temps après la prise du pouvoir par Idriss Déby, est créée une commission d'enquête chargée de faire la lumière sur les crimes et détournements commis par Hissein Habré et son gouvernement. L'auteur a été président de cette commission. Le rapport final est remis en 1992 et fait état de 40000 victimes, plus de 80000 orphelins, plus de 30000 veuves... Aucune des quatorze recommandations concluant ce rapport n'a été mise à exécution et la plupart des bourreaux...
This report focuses on the often-ignored challenges faced by those seeking, through memorialization, to help repair societies that are emerging from violent conflict. The summary matrix at the end of this report provides recommendations to international actors interested in assisting in that process.
This report focuses on the often-ignored challenges faced by those seeking, through memorialization, to help repair societies that are emerging from violent conflict. The summary matrix at the end of this report provides recommendations to international actors interested in assisting in that process.
Procesowy thriller, powieść kryminalna, poradnik jak radzić sobie w sytuacjach ekstremalnych, historia przygodowa stanu wojennego, opowieść o miłości i przyjaźni - książka Małgorzaty Niezabitowskiej ł...
Cet article explique l’émergence, les caractères et la valeur d’un ensemble documentaire propre au XXe siècle, tel qu’il se constitue en Amérique latine lorsque des organismes de défense des droits de l’Homme surgissent de la société civile pour défendre les victimes et dénoncer, au plan du droit, les graves infractions qui sont commises, dans les pays en proie à la violence politique. Son propos est centré sur trois pays où ce mouvement s’est particulièrement illustré. Il rappelle d’abord...
Most of political parties represented at the Spanish Parliament agreed, after Franco’s death, not to face the recent past. From the beginning of the Spanish political transition has existed neither a policy of memory nor a real archival policy regarding that subject. The management of the records produced by D.N.S.D. (National Delegation of Documentary Services, the information agency of Franco regime in Salamanca), was only focused on improving historical researches. The archives of...
📚 Durante los últimos veinte años Pasado y presente se convirtió en un referente de los estudios sobre La Violencia. Cuando aún no se hablaba entre
This paper considers the relationship between memory and archives by exploring the concepts of individual and collective memory and by examining the processes involved with creating, capturing, storing, and retrieving memories. The author considers the metaphor of archives as memory and relates our perception of memory to our understanding of the creation, preservation, and use of records and archives. She demonstrates that individual and collective memory represent only a fragment of life...
Finalist for the Pulitzer Prize • Winner of the Council on Foreign Relations Arthur Ross Book Award • One of the New York Times' Ten Best Books of the Year“Impressive . . . Mr. Judt writes with enormous authority.” —The Wall Street Journal“Magisterial . . . It is, without a doubt, the most comprehensive, authoritative, and yes, readable postwar history.” —The Boston GlobeAlmost a decade in the making, this much-anticipated grand history of postwar Europe from one of the world's most esteemed...
Das Stasi-Unterlagen-Gesetz, welches in den zurückliegenden Jahren verschiedentlich geändert wurde, steht weiterhin in öffentlichem Interesse und Diskussion. Die Neubearbeitung des Kommentars bringt das Praxiswissen zum StUG unter Beachtung der Rechtsprechung auf den aktuellen Stand. Neben der praxisnahen und allgemein verständlichen Kommentierung der Einzelvorschriften des Gesetzes enthält die Neuauflage einen einleitenden Überblick über Aufbau, Aufgaben und Methoden des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen DDR.
The post-world war II German-Israeli reparations program is the largest, most comprehensive reparations program ever implemented. Traditionally, reparations were supported by the vanquished and were designed to compensate the victor for the damages caused during the war. The Wiedergutmachung (literally “making the good again”) program as it is called in Germany, or Shilumim (the payments) as Israelis usually prefer to refer to it, innovates in many areas and goes beyond this interstate...
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