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The past wrongdoings of states have received increased attention in recent years, resulting in calls for contrition and apologies. Most commentary has provided policy advice primarily on how former aggressors should handle such “history problems”. The present article, by contrast, draws on insights from research on recognition and ontological security to construct a framework for how external actors can use shaming and praising to influence the ways in which former aggressors deal with the...
Beijing and Tokyo are currently involved in a zero-sum battle for soft power. Both governments are actively trying to shape how third party actors understand contested matters in their bilateral relationship. The dispute over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands is the most obvious flashpoint in this ongoing struggle for hearts and minds. A soft power battle might seem like an innocent endeavour, but by entrenching enmity and legitimizing armed conflict, it might actually translate into one where hard...
In the 1990s, Japanese views of China were relatively positive. In the 2000s, however, views of China have deteriorated markedly and China has increasingly come to be seen as ‘anti-Japanese’. How can these developments, which took place despite increased economic interdependence, be understood? One seemingly obvious explanation is the occurrence of ‘anti-Japanese’ incidents in China since the mid-2000s. I suggest that these incidents per se do not fully explain the puzzle. Protests against...
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) will complete its proceedings over the coming years, leaving behind an enormous collection of records. The ICTY archive provides a record of conviction and acquittal, prosecution case and defense response – a vast series of contested facts and arguments. The ICTY winds down with a decidedly mixed reputation, especially among the communities of the Balkans, doing damage to the already-discredited idea of a Tribunal capable...
Most international relations (IR) research on the role of collective memory and representations of the past gives the impression that these primarily matter for states constrained internationally by their history as aggressors, such as Japan. How former perpetrator states represent the past is seen as important for bilateral relations because it may affect perceptions in previously victimised states. Representations of the past in the victimised states are seldom dealt with. This article...
The idea that China's rise, and more specifically its increased material capabilities, are about to produce a power shift in East Asia raises the question whether the Chinese government's ability to produce effects through discursive power has also increased. The government's use of discourses about China's war against Japan is a conspicuous example of attempts to exercise discursive power. Has China's ability to use the past for political purposes increased as its material capabilities have...
The article analyses the second life of the concept of genocide In public, scholarly and legal post-2006 discourses about how to deal with the communist past In Romania. It counterpoises such problematic radical condemnations with recent developments In local historical studies. The contribution focuses on a new generation of historians (In their thirties and early forties), exemplifying these approaches by discussing novel studies about repression, Institutions and biographies. It argues...
This paper outlines the construction of the ‘‘official’’ archives of the South African apartheid state and the distorted view they contain concerning social and political realities. Therefore, the colonial and apartheid legacies are examined in a broader context as an oppressive social and political system, as well as in the more specific context of how their legacy is reflected in the official archives. The development and popular endorsement of the Freedom Charter of 1955 was a seminal moment...
Résumé Pendant la guerre d'indépendance algérienne, la justice constitua une des armes du combat contre les nationalistes et ceux qui les soutenaient. Fondée sur des législations d'exception, cette intervention fut massive et impliqua d'emblée les tribunaux militaires. L'ensemble de la guerre fut d'ailleurs marqué par un processus de militarisation de la justice. Cette répression judiciaire eut pour principal effet la multiplication des peines capitales dont 200, environ, furent suivies...
The state of the public sector in South Africa is heavily influenced by particular histories of state administration related to the legacy of apartheid and the nature of the political transition to democracy. We suggest, however, that there is a paucity of scholarly work in the discipline of Public Administration which takes into account this legacy and the manner in which the public sector is embedded in broader social, political and economic relations. This has had significant consequences...
Apresenta problematização e resultados parciais de estudo que se insere em debate em curso na Ciência da Informação, envolvendo a delimitação de seu objeto central: a informação – em suas variadas conceituações – ou o documento – em sua materialidade, da ordem da institucionalidade e gerador de efeitos sociais (Frohmann). A pesquisa, de cunho teórico- conceitual, testa o conceito/hipótese de modo de acreditação e distribuição social de saberes, fundado na divisão de Nora entre sociedades de...
Uma filosofia da informação fundamenta-se em uma filosofia da documentação. A concepção de Nunberg sobre o fenômeno da informação anuncia um deslocamento do foco na questão “O que é informação?” para uma investigação crítica das fontes e da legitimação da própria questão. As analogias entre a desconstrução que Wittgenstein faz das abordagens filosóficas ao significado e uma correspondente desconstrução das abordagens filosóficas à informação sugerem que como a informatividade de um documento...
El artículo aborda algunas de las cuestiones archivísticas que aparecieron durante una investigación judicial realizada por el Ministerio público de Roma (Italia) sobre las violaciones de derechos humanos en Sudamérica en los años 1970. Concretamente, la investigación se centró en el asesinato de algunos ciudadanos italo-argentinos e italo-uruguayos, por, posiblemente, agentes secretos que pertenecieron al Sistema de Cóndor. El trabajo aborda tres puntos diferente - aunque...
Resource type
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
Between 1980 and 1989
- 1988 (1)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (8)
Between 1980 and 1989
- Between 2000 and 2025 (74)
Resource language
- English (51)
- French (5)
- German (3)
- Portuguese (3)
- Spanish (21)