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Décédée le 2 novembre 2018, Brigitte Lainé n’était pas seulement l’archiviste en chef chargée du patrimoine aux Archives de Paris que beaucoup d’entre nous ont connue, mais une sorte d’Antigone des temps modernes. « Catho...
In the final days before the election, President Trump and Republicans are trying again to highlight the caravan, which he called “an invasion of our country.”
Por el caso de de la familia Molina Theissen, en el que los archivos fueron puebas determinantes, condenaron a 58 años de cárcel al ...
La visibilización del sufrimiento de los sobrevivientes de la guerra en el país y el énfasis en su capacidad de transformar el dolor en agencia y solidaridad son un aporte a la dignificación de la humanidad de las víctimas y la de sus familias. Tramitar el pasado: Archivos de derechos humanos y museología viva registra una experiencia que tiene como eje el archivo de la Asociación Caminos de Esperanza Madres de La Candelaria, la cual ha asumido el compromiso de denunciar y documentar las...
El libro LAS REDES DEL TERROR de JOSE MARIA FARALDO en Casa del Libro: ¡descubre las mejores ofertas y envíos gratis!
Japan’s kyōkasho mondai (history textbook controversy) is at a crossroads. This article tries to exemplify it through the analysis of three issue areas at three levels (international, domestic, and societal). Internationally, the study looks into the failure of much anticipated joint history writing projects with China (2006–2010) and South Korea (2002–2005, 2007–2010). Domestically, this study problematises the recent politicisation of the textbook adoption system through the analysis of...
Tunisie - Une démocratisation au-dessus de tout soupçon ? (EAN13 : 9782271118073) édité par CNRS Editions - Premières élections pluralistes, nouvelle constitution, multiplication des partis et des associations, montée des revendications des minorités sexuelles, régionales et religieuses, recomposition du personnel politico-administratif, explosion des conflits autour de la question sociale…
UNESCO’s ‘Memory of the World’ Programme promotes the preservation, universal access and public awareness of the world’s significant documents as the common heritage of all humankind. The inscription of the ‘Documents of Nanjing Massacre’ into the ‘Memory of the World’ Register in 2015 reflects an increasingly globalised concern in the post–Cold War era over the remembrance of war and atrocity. Yet it has reignited the tension between Japan and China, resulting in strong pressure on UNESCO to...
Four retired senior members of the Guatemalan military—including two high-ranking officers previously thought to be untouchable, former Army Chief of Staff Benedicto Lucas García and former chief of military intelligence Manuel Callejas y Callejas—were convicted today in Guatemala of involvement in
A new attorney general took office in Guatemala last week amid sharp tensions over the role of a United Nations-backed anti-corruption commission that has helped bring high-profile charges against some of the country’s most powerful politicians. Maria Consuelo Porras, a former substitute judge for Guatemala’s Constitutional Court, will run the country’s Public Ministry and direct its criminal, human rights and anti-corruption investigations. The outgoing attorney general, Thelma Aldana, and...
Por Simón Antonio Ramón Cinco militares del alto mando del ejército y la G-2 de 1981 enfrentan juicio oral y público por la detención clandestina y violación sexual contra Emma Guadalupe Molina Theissen y la desaparición forzada de su hermano Marco Antonio. Estos hechos ocurrieron del 27 de septiembre al 6 de octubre 1981, por ... <a title="La conspiración y persecución del Estado contra la familia Molina Theissen" class="read-more"...
As Katherine Verdery observes, "There's nothing like reading your secret police file to make you wonder who you really are." In 1973 Verdery began her doctoral fieldwork in the Transylvanian region of Romania, ruled at the time by communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu. She returned several times over the next twenty-five years, during which time the secret police--the Securitate--compiled a massive surveillance file on her. Reading through its 2,781 pages, she learned that she was "actually"...
On China's web, networked actors ranging from state agencies to private Internet users engage in highly active online discourse. Yet as diverse as this discourse may be, political content remains highly regulated, particularly on issues that affect the legitimacy of the ruling party. A prominent issue in this regard has been modern Chinese history, particularly the "national humiliation" that Japan inflicted on China's populace during events like the 1937 Nanjing Massacre. This article asks...
The fight against impunity has become a growing concern of the international community. Updated in 2005, the UN Set of Principles for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights Through Action to Combat Impunity is the fruit of several years of study, developed under the aegis of the UN Commission on Human Rights and then affirmed by the Human Rights Council. These Principles are today widely accepted as constituting an authoritative reference point for efforts in the fight against impunity...
“Lo más importante para nosotros es que Ríos Montt se murió en manos de la justicia, o sea, huyendo de la justicia. Y logramos la sentencia y la desclasificación de los documentos militares y ese es un paso muy importante”, afirma Antonio Caba, sobreviviente de la masacre de la aldea Ilom, en Chajul, Quiché. Tenía once años cuando el Ejército arrasó con todo. Años más tarde, encontró en una exhumación los restos de sus familiares. Vio sus huesos, reconoció la ropa, recordó el dolor del...
What role does the political survival of prime ministers play in Japan’s relations with China over the Yasukuni issue? Three Japanese prime ministers, including Nakasone Yasuhiro, Hashimoto Ryutaro and Abe Shinzo, complied with China’s demands and stopped visiting the controversial Shrine in 1986, 1997 and 2007, respectively. By contrast, the Yasukuni controversy intensified between 2001 and 2006 when a popular Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro was determined to pay regular homage to the...
In Japan, people often refer to August 15, 1945 as the end of
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