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À l'approche du 80e anniversaire du massacre de tirailleurs sénégalais au camp de Thiaroye, à Dakar, historiens, avocats et députés se sont réunis à l'Assemblée nationale pour une conférence-plaidoyer. Dix ans après l'évocation par le président François Hollande "d'une répression sanglante", ils réclament une reconnaissance officielle de ce massacre par la France et la création d'une commission d'enquête parlementaire.
The young political-military leader of the National Liberation Front was hanged on the night of March 3, 1957, during the Battle of Algiers, by French soldiers who disguised the death of this 'national hero' as a suicide.
By Cara Moore Lebonick | National Archives News ST. LOUIS, November 4, 2024 — On the 100-year anniversary of race riots erupting in the predominantly Black-populated and affluent Greenwood District in the city of Tulsa, OK, the city launched an investigation into unmarked graves in likely mass burial sites resulting from the riots. The laboratory assisting Tulsa, Intermountain Forensics, turned to the National Archives for records to help identify individuals from those graves.
Survivors Circle for Reproductive Justice hopes to of chronicle the history of First Nation, Inuit and Metis women and girls being forcefully sterilized and getting a better idea of how many people it affected.
Mose Norman, a Black registered voter, was ready to cast his ballot for presidential candidate Warren G. Harding. But when he arrived at his polling place on Election Day, Nov. 2, 1920, in the orange grove town of Ocoee, Florida, near Orlando, Norman was turned away by white election officials because of supposed unpaid poll taxes. His name and the names of hundreds of other registered Black voters had been removed from the rolls by white poll workers.
Le président français Emmanuel Macron a reconnu, vendredi 1er novembre 2024, « l'assassinat » du dirigeant du Front de libération nationale (FLN) Larbi Ben M'hidi « par des militaires français », à l'occasion du 70e anniversaire de l'insurrection du 1er novembre 1954 qui ouvrit la guerre d'Algérie.
Focuses on the archive as a form of art employed by various groups of the late Soviet underground, aiming to approach old archival materials related to the Soviet cultural underground on a meta-level of analysis to explore unofficial cultures, the history of state socialism, and topics of suppressed cultural memory
The opening of classified documents from the Soviet era has been dubbed the "archival revolution" due to its unprecedented scale, drama, and impact. With a storyteller's sensibility, Cristina Vatulescu identifies and takes on the main challenges of reading in these archives.
The Truth Recovery Programme enacts the recommendations made in the Truth, Acknowledgment and Accountability Report. The integrated truth investigation will look further into the workings of Mother and Baby Institutions, Magdalene Laundries, and Workhouses in Northern Ireland, and the associated pathways and practices.
The Chinese Exclusion Act is widely considered to be the first significant crackdown on immigration in American history. It's a riveting tale that parallels today and may provide insights into the economic consequences of immigration restrictions and mass deportations.
Conservationist Jane Goodall on the urgent need to turn the tide on climate change and nature loss.
Plus de cent députés libanais ont demandé à l'Unesco de protéger le patrimoine de leur pays des frappes israéliennes. Alors que les sites antiques de Baalbek et Tyr, classés au patrimoine mondial de l’humanité, sont menacés, des archéologues alertent également sur la destruction de sites de moindre envergure, constitutifs de l’identité et de la mémoire des Libanais.
Aujourd'hui, le 20 novembre 2024, la Chambre de première instance X de la Cour pénale internationale (« CPI » ou « la Cour ») a condamné Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz Ag Mohamed Ag Mahmoud à 10 ans d'emprisonnement à la suite du Jugement de première instance l’ayant déclaré coupable d’une partie des charges portées à son encontre concernant des crimes de guerre et crimes contre l’humanité commis entre début mai 2012 et le 29 janvier 2013, à Tombouctou, dans le nord du Mali.
Today, 20 November 2024, Trial Chamber X of the International Criminal Court ("ICC" or "Court") sentenced Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz Ag Mohamed Ag Mahmoud to 10 years of imprisonment following the Trial Judgment in which the Chamber found him guilty of some of the charges brought against him of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed between early May 2012 and 29 January 2013 in Timbuktu, northern Mali. The sentence may be appealed before the ICC Appeals Chamber by either party to the proceedings.
Aujourd’hui, 21 novembre 2024, la Chambre préliminaire I (« la Chambre ») de la Cour pénale internationale (« la Cour »), dans la situation dans l’État de Palestine, a rendu à l’unanimité deux décisions par lesquelles elle a rejeté les exceptions soulevées par l’État d’Israël (« Israël ») en vertu des articles 18 et 19 du Statut de Rome (« le Statut »). Elle a également délivré des mandats d’arrêt à l’encontre de MM. Benyamin Nétanyahou et Yoav Gallant.
Today, on 21 November 2024, Pre-Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court (‘Court’), in its composition for the Situation in the State of Palestine, unanimously issued two decisions rejecting challenges by the State of Israel (‘Israel’) brought under articles 18 and 19 of the Rome Statute (the ‘Statute’). It also issued warrants of arrest for Mr Benjamin Netanyahu and Mr Yoav Gallant. Decisions on requests by the State of Israel
Most children jailed in the Northern Territory are Aboriginal, and the new government is reducing the age that can happen.
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