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En este articulo se desarrollará una descripción y análisis delpapel y el lugar que asumen los testimonios que reproduce el informe Nunca Más elaborado por la Comisión Nacional sobre la Desaparición de Personas en 1984 en torno a las desapariciones.Se intentará describir y analizar su contenido y forma, el tono deestas voces, las intervenciones que realiza la CONADEP sobre los mismos y las continuidades y rupturas que presentan con respecto al lugar que ocuparon en los discursos previos acerca de la desaparición de personas.
El Partido del Socialismo Democrático (Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus), surgido de la descomposición interna del SED (Sozialistiscbe Einbeitspartei Deutschlands), es un caso relevante de adaptación de los partidos únicos en los regímenes comunistas a la democracia plurípar-tidista. Dadas las peculiaridades de la transición en la República Democrática de Alemania, acelerada por su rápida integración en la República Federal, el SED no tuvo la oportunidad de transformarse en una...
Through a comparative analysis of Germany and Russia, this paper explores how participation in the memorialization process affects and reflects national identity formation in post‐totalitarian societies. These post‐totalitarian societies face the common problem of re‐presenting their national character as civic and democratic, in great part because their national identities were closely bound to oppressive regimes. Through a comparison of three memorial sites—Sachsenhausen concentration camp...
This article examines the diary's transformation from print culture practice to online phenomenon, considering the implications of this change for the diary as a literary genre and as life writing. This discussion explores the challenges the online diary represents to traditional concepts of the genre as private and monologic, investigating the ways in which online diarists attract readers, build communities, and create identities in cyberspace.
This article serves as the general introduction by the guest editors to the first of two thematic issues of Archival Science that will explore the theme, "archives, records, and power." Archives as institutions and records as documents are generally seen by academic and other users, and by society generally, as passive resources to be .exploited for various historical and cultural purposes. Historians since the mid-nineteenth century, in pursuing the new scientific history, needed an archive...
Archivists and historians usually consider archives as repositories of historical sources and the archivist as a neutral custodian. Sociologists and anthropologists see "the archive" also as a system of collecting, categorizing, and exploiting memories. Archivists are hesitantly acknowledging their role in shaping memories. I advocate that archival fonds, archival documents, archival institutions, and archival systems contain tacit narratives which must be deconstructed in order to understand the meanings of archives.
Helga Schultz reconsidera la RDA y su forma nacional desde un punto de vista germano-oriental. Entiende la RDA como un intento de construir una peculiar nación socialista alemana, pero laimposibilidad de alcanzar esta aspiración es examinada junto con la sorprendente división entre ambas partes de la nueva Alemania «unida» y la nueva eínicizaci¿n de los alemanes del Este. El articulo revisa también la «sociedad obrera» socialista, como producto del socialismo real.
This extended think-piece begins by exploring the late twentieth-century philosophical trend of postmodernism, and what its fragmented, decontextualized world-view means for archives. Such a position, as taken up by some historians, posits the absence of coherence, the death of grand historical narratives, and the supremacy of relativity. Consideration of the postmodern serves as a jumping-off point for an exploration of the nature of records, and the mission of the archival profession to...
Resource type
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
Between 1980 and 1989
- 1988 (1)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (8)
Between 1980 and 1989
- Between 2000 and 2025 (74)
Resource language
- English (51)
- French (5)
- German (3)
- Portuguese (3)
- Spanish (21)