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Cet ouvrage s’interroge sur les relations entre mémoire, intimité et historiographie dans le contexte particulier des expériences de domination – colonialisme et dictatures – qui ont affecté les espaces (ex)impériaux des mondes ibériques contemporains. En s’appuyant sur différents cas d’étude (Afrique, Amérique latine, Péninsule ibérique), les chapitres qui composent ce volume explorent le double mouvement de domination et de subversion au prisme de ce que nous appelons l’archive sensible....
Libro Política Pública de Archivos de Derechos Humanos, Memoria Histórica y Conflicto Armado facebook twitter whatsapp Luego de la firma del acuerdo de paz entre el gobierno nacional y la guerrilla de las Farc, después de más de cinco décadas de conflicto armado interno, la sociedad colombiana y sus instituciones asisten a un momento histórico …
This article contributes to the relational IR literature on identity politics and Sino-Japanese relations. Theoretically, we develop Rumelili's framework for studying modes of differentiation by incorporating the sectoral characteristics of key discourse signs. Empirically, we apply this framework to the construction of Self and Other in the official Japanese security discourse regarding the Senkaku Islands dispute from 2010–2014, a period of dispute climax that is meaningful for studying...
Seventy years have passed since the end of the Asia-Pacific War, yet Japan remains embroiled in controversy with its neighbors over the war’s commemoration. Among the many points of contention between Japan, China, and South Korea are interpretations of the Tokyo War Crimes Trial, apologies and compensation for foreign victims of Japanese aggression, prime ministerial visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, and the war’s portrayal in textbooks. Collectively, these controversies have come to be called...
Why do interstate relations deteriorate and become conflictual, even under conditions where one might expect improved ties? The article seeks an answer to this question through a case study of the deterioration in Sino-Japanese relations in the twenty-first century, which took place despite the existence of several factors that might be thought likely to have led to an improvement. Existing theoretical approaches cannot fully explain this puzzle. The article argues that such deteriorations...
This paper explores the idea of “recuperative memory” with respect to the process of coming to terms with the past after the fall of the Romanian Communist regime in 1989. Its method is to examine the mechanisms used by recuperative memory in order to re-appropriate the past and emphasize the inherently mediated and multifaceted nature of this process. Using various examples from oral testimonies, autobiographical writings, literary works, and cinema, the paper argues that the role of...
Recent thinking and practice in transitional justice suggest that victims and societies hold indivisible, perhaps even simultaneous, rights to truth, justice and reparations after gross human rights violations. This article analyses the advantages and drawbacks of such holistic approaches to transitional justice, through a case study of Chile’s second official truth commission, the ‘Valech Commission’. The article illustrates the politics of ongoing contestation about authoritarian era crimes...
Desde hacía años la vida del general retirado era tranquila, muy tranquila. El hombre que había ocupado uno de los más altos cargos de la jerarquía militar, Jefe del Estado Mayor General del Ejército (1981-1982), el hombre que estuvo en el frente de batalla, aquel fibroso militar formado “para vencer” en la escuela de Saint Cyr en Francia, el paracaidista, el combatiente que diseñó la estrategia contrainsurgente, el incansable, ahora pasaba sus horas en “Villa Elena”, la casona asentada en...
The International Committee of the Red Cross has started collecting DNA samples to help identify thousands of people who disappeared during Lebanon's 1975-1990 civil war, the ICRC said Friday. The ICRC called on the Lebanese authorities to create a "national mechanism" to help match victims' bodies with their families. "It is more than 40 years since the events took place and we are still asking ourselves how we are going to give answers to the families," said Fabrizzio Carboni, the ICRC's chief in Lebanon.
In the face of death threats, a forensic anthropologist has spent two decades exhuming the victims of a “dirty” civil war. Now his work might help bring justice for their murders.
Le rapport décrit comment la France a apporté une aide cruciale à Hissène Habré dans sa prise de pouvoir au Tchad, alors même qu’il était déjà évident qu’il utilisait des méthodes d'une extrême brutalité.
The United States and France were well aware of Hissène Habré’s brutal record, and yet continued to support him throughout his rule. Both countries should examine how and why they supported a man convicted of crimes against humanity.
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