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El líder de Pro promete bajar la inflación y acepta endeudarse "si es para crecer"
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) will complete its proceedings over the coming years, leaving behind an enormous collection of records. The ICTY archive provides a record of conviction and acquittal, prosecution case and defense response – a vast series of contested facts and arguments. The ICTY winds down with a decidedly mixed reputation, especially among the communities of the Balkans, doing damage to the already-discredited idea of a Tribunal capable...
Ce livre analyse la dynamique qui s'est emparée de la Tunisie lors de la révolution des "Jasmins". Un vent de liberté souffle sur le pays. Mais l'extrémisme religieux et la violence perturbent cet élan vers la démocratie. L'histoire multimillénaire du pays, son esprit laïc et le statut de la femme tunisienne expliquent que ce pays n'ait pas sombré dans le chaos comme l'Egypte ou la Libye. En citant Mandela, Sade et d'autres acteurs de la révolution française, il fait un parallèle avec les...
Una exhaustiva investigación del caso Puig Antich para cuestionar la imperfecta transición española.Los detalles del proceso contra el anarquista Salvador Puig Antich, último ejecutado por garrote vil en España hace cuarenta años, son aún hoy materia reservada. Solo gracias a la revisión del caso, que sigue abierto en Argentina, y a la documentación que se conserva en archivos de todo el mundo, ha sido posible desmentir una serie de tópicos de un episodio que marcó la hoja de ruta del final...
The Spanish Civil War and the 40 years of dictatorship that followed left a colossal aftermath in terms of victims of serious human rights and humanitarian law violations, including executions, torture, arbitrary detentions, disappearances, forced labour for prisoners and exile.
Most international relations (IR) research on the role of collective memory and representations of the past gives the impression that these primarily matter for states constrained internationally by their history as aggressors, such as Japan. How former perpetrator states represent the past is seen as important for bilateral relations because it may affect perceptions in previously victimised states. Representations of the past in the victimised states are seldom dealt with. This article...
The idea that China's rise, and more specifically its increased material capabilities, are about to produce a power shift in East Asia raises the question whether the Chinese government's ability to produce effects through discursive power has also increased. The government's use of discourses about China's war against Japan is a conspicuous example of attempts to exercise discursive power. Has China's ability to use the past for political purposes increased as its material capabilities have...
The article analyses the second life of the concept of genocide In public, scholarly and legal post-2006 discourses about how to deal with the communist past In Romania. It counterpoises such problematic radical condemnations with recent developments In local historical studies. The contribution focuses on a new generation of historians (In their thirties and early forties), exemplifying these approaches by discussing novel studies about repression, Institutions and biographies. It argues...
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