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In July 2005 a huge explosion in the Guatemalan Capital leads to the discovery of the historic archive of the National Police. On the grounds of the today's Police Academy used to be located the island, the secret prison of notori...
Vorspann Die Zentrale Stelle in Ludwigsburg ist das Herzstück der justiziellen Ahndung von NSVerbrechen. 1958 gegründet, spielte die einzigartige Institution bei der Einleitung fast aller großen Prozesse eine wichtige Rolle. Der jetzige Leiter und sein Stellvertreter ziehen hier Bilanz und blicken dabei vor allem auf die letzten 25 Jahre zurück, in denen die Zentrale Stelle dazu überging, umfassende eigenständige Ermittlungen im In- und Ausland durchzuführen – und dabei immer wieder beachtliche Erfolge verbuchen konnte.
Read reviews from the world’s largest community for readers. Fara aportul colaboratorilor, Securitatea nu ar fi putut exercita un control atit de strict as…
This article looks at early proposals for an international archive, at the different respects in which archives are international or transnational, and at the development since 1946 of the archives of international organizations. It suggests that the history of the UN's involvement with archives is itself a development of historical and even political interest.
This paper aims to explore initiatives in dealing with the past in South East Europe, particularly with regard to archives, and to reflect on discussions about the documentation of atrocities and sufferings and the shift from war to peace, ongoing in the Balkan countries affected by the 1991–1999 wars while the countries are still struggling to find the best way(s) to deal with the past and its consequences. Transitional justice may be framed as opening up different approaches to create...
De 1982 à 1990, Hissène Habré a fait peser une dictature sanglante sur le Tchad. Renversé en 1990, il s'est réfugié au Sénégal. Reed Brody, l'un des dirigeants de l'association Human Rights Watch, le traque avec le droit comme arme. En voir plus sur :
Published: 13 September 2007 Author: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Presented: At the 33rd session of the HRC. Links: A/RES/61/295 (also available in 60 more languages)
Archivists today are caught between an expanding volume of records and a growing public expectation that every page in every document is online and indexed. With so many records and so few resources to provide on-demand access to them, the problem seems intractable. More money alone is not the answer; larger appropriations or donations cannot solve this problem. Instead, archivists must fundamentally shift the way they think about their roles and develop alternative means and methods for doing archival work.
- References - Boel et al. (2021), Archives and Human Rights (309)
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