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Hundreds of Engelandvaarders took various routes from occupied Netherlands to Britain to fight in second world war
La agrupación de derechos humanos H.I.J.O.S. responsabiliza al Gobierno de un ataque que sale a la luz a días de un tenso aniversario del golpe militar de 1976
The resolution, which followed more than three months of negotiations among dozens of countries, calls on U.N. member states to ensure "safe, secure, and trustworthy AI systems" that are developed responsibly and respect human rights and international law.
Under the project, legal texts have been transformed into a digital format that is comprehensible and executable by information systems, employing advanced artificial intelligence techniques
Prospect of Israel facing war crimes charges has moved closer after UN condemnation of Gaza aid restrictions
Around 15,000 young, vulnerable Scots were shipped to Canada alone in a forced emigration scheme designed to improve their life chances, but some were never heard from again.
Virginia’s Racial Integrity Act belongs to a settler colonial tradition extending back to the early 1600s. Some white Virginians, though, weren’t satisfied. They worried about a loophole in the law that would dilute the purity of white “blood.” Leading white supremacists had wanted the Racial Integrity Act to solidify Virginia’s black-white racial binary. To do so, they called for the Act to erase the presence of Native people. Some used the Act to do just this, engaging in a form of...
Coinciding with the thirtieth anniversary of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda (7 April), the United Nations Headquarters in New York opens a new exhibit about the power of post-genocide reconciliation, the potentially deadly impact of hate speech and what visitors can do to say #NoToHate.
À l’occasion du trentième anniversaire du génocide perpétré contre les Tutsis au Rwanda en 1994, le Siège des Nations Unies à New York accueille une nouvelle exposition sur le pouvoir de la réconciliation postgénocide, l’impact potentiellement mortel des discours de haine et ce qui peut être fait pour dire #NonÀLaHaine.
Countries spy to overcome an information deficit. But we now live in a world of information super-abundance.
The Princess of Wales is the latest person in the public eye to find there are questions about the security of their health history
Families say they were promised details of relatives’ whereabouts after contacting people they thought were linked to NGO in Spain
U.S. tech companies pride themselves on protecting the data of their users. Increasingly, this commitment is being challenged by the government.
Exclusive: UN documents seen by the Guardian list hundreds of incidents, including claims workers were blindfolded and beaten.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is a court of last resort, stepping in only when national authorities are unwilling or unable to do so. This is a key legal pillar known as the principle of complementarity. But because the ICC can only take on a few cases in a particular situation, comprehensive justice will invariably mean that the ICC and national authorities will need to work closely together.
La Cour pénale internationale (CPI) est une juridiction de dernier recours, qui n’intervient que lorsque les autorités judiciaires nationales ne veulent ou ne peuvent pas se saisir d’une affaire. Il s’agit d’un pilier juridique connu sous le nom de principe de complémentarité. Mais comme la CPI ne peut traiter que quelques affaires dans une situation particulière, la quête d’une justice exhaustive signifie invariablement que la CPI et les autorités nationales doivent travailler en étroite collaboration.
La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) es un tribunal de última instancia, que interviene únicamente cuando las autoridades nacionales no tienen la disposición o la capacidad para hacerlo. Este es un pilar jurídico fundamental que se conoce como principio de complementariedad. Sin embargo, la CPI solo puede tomar unos pocos casos en una situación determinada, por lo tanto, para que haya justicia integral será siempre necesario que la CPI y las autoridades nacionales trabajen en colaboración estrecha.
The World learned in 2011 of the secret British policy called Operation Legacy that was implemented in the 1950s. Its goal was to remove or destroy incriminating documents from former colonies in the months before each one became politically independent. This policy had an impact far and wide, and was implemented in British colonies throughout the Caribbean, Asia and Africa.
Germany's 30-year rule in Togoland (actual Ghana and Togo) seemed relatively peaceful compared to other German colonies, and Togoland was promoted as "a model colony." But it was a self-serving myth for German colonial administrators.
Germany's 30-year rule in Togoland (actual Ghana and Togo) seemed relatively peaceful compared to other German colonies, and Togoland was promoted as "a model colony." But it was a self-serving myth for German colonial administrators.
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